@Canucks de Vancouver

[Gaffar] La rumeur d’un accord de 52 millions de dollars pour Hronek a été rejetée – Sekeres & Price Show

[Gaffar] La rumeur d’un accord de 52 millions de dollars pour Hronek a été rejetée – Sekeres & Price Show



  1. ProfitMuhammad

    Unless Hronek can prove he can carry his own pairing, I would be hesitant to go above 7.25 on a long term deal.

    At this point in his career, I think Quinn can pretty much turn any top 4 guy into a first pairing calibre player. At least so far as scoring stats are concerned. I think theres a reason they’re offering 6.5, and playing things cautiously.

  2. RainbowZester

    Send anyone that says the total number to the gulag.

    Is this a 7×7.4? 4×13? 9×5.7? Personally don’t care about total money, only thing matters is term and per year.

  3. TurbanGhetto

    Is it 8 years / 52 million that was rejected?

    That would have been a nice deal for us given he has leverage.

    But I agree 6.75-7 max is fair given his negotiating position. I could possibly get up to 7.25 but I’m not thrilled with that number.

    Anything beyond that and I’m seeing what else is out there in a trade.

  4. Alpacaduck

    I haven’t followed Hronek’s RFA status. Does he have arbitration rights?

    If so, the Canucks could legitimately do the Brendan Morrison « Mr. Arbitrator, Filip Hronek is the mouse! » argument and probably win this time.

    Good dman, but 7 is the highest fair number. He’s probably going for Dunn money (7.35).

  5. Obvious-Property-236

    Time to call up Carolina again

  6. PaperweightCoaster

    Get ready to learn Utahnese, buddy!

  7. votrechien

    Obviously I want this deal but no way he signs for anything that doesn’t start with a 7.  


    I don’t think they should try to retain him long term. Give him bit more total money over short term and let him walk when Willander is ready to take his spot

  9. mediumyeet

    Lol if he won’t take that then he can go enjoy life in Raleigh. Peace.

  10. carry-on_replacement

    Negotiating tactic. Never start high, start low and work your way to a fair compromise.

    With Willander being at least 2 years away, I don’t think we have a choice. Our alternatives are a trade or walk him to free agency. And like irfaan details in the video, there is no world in which we win a Hronek trade

  11. barelyincollege

    I want to see him anchor his own pairing for a while so we can better gauge how good he is without Hughes.

    I’m somewhat surprised that Hughes and Hronek have played together all season because as good as they’ve been, it’s robbed us of a chance to assess how much Hronek contributes individually. There’s a chance that without Hughes, he’s a ~35-40 point RD, and I’m wary of paying a guy like that $7M+ long-term.

  12. MTLItalian

    Another thing is there another team willing to pay him 8 million a year?

  13. Jensen2075

    Trade Hronek and sign Hanafin in the off season if he wants something close to Hughes. Any GM would be a fool to sign him for more knowing Hughes is his partner.

  14. SnooCakes5767

    $7mill – $7.5 per is my guess. They need to draft more rhd

  15. Knight_On_Fire

    If you are a scoring RHD you have your team by the balls. The only question is how much he’ll squeeze them. And without meaning to these guys made a nice argument to retain Myers too. I mean, how bad can the right side look next season? It can look outright debilitating if Allvin/Rutherford make a mistake here. Fans may be sighing, wishing for even a Bear.

  16. jack_of_zero_trades

    Anything from Sekeres & Price, I’m going to take a mountain of salt with

  17. rengorengar

    He’s a good dman, all this talk about needing to drive his own pair lol… Petey can’t even drive his own line right now and we paid him 11.6mil. Hronek is still a 40 pt, without hughes, solid defensively RHD that’s 26.

  18. wulfstein

    Wasn’t there a rumour that Petey rejected a 12×8 deal only to sign for 11.6?

    All these rumours are either fake or just leaks by either the player agent or management to get the other side to give in. I wouldn’t read much into it regardless.

  19. Due_Entertainment_44

    That is very generous term and a fair AAV. Doesn’t Quinn make like $8mil? Hronek has been great but he’s not a core piece to command anything crazy, at least not here.

  20. eexxiitt

    Playing with Hughes has really bumped up his “value.” Plus he’s a RD, which adds another multiplier to his potential contract as its slim pickings on free agency.

  21. Hopefully turning down a contract like this and deciding to bet on himself doesn’t blow up in his face like it did for John Klingberg…

  22. moosecheesetwo

    Let’s see what he does in the playoffs.

  23. slickjayyy

    Folks here have completely lost their mind. The guy had good stats previous to playing with Hughes, he isnt even on a pace for a career year in a lot of key stats, even offensive ones. Folks are quick to say hes better with Hughes but absolutely no one wants to admit Hughes play style has completely changed having Hronek to cover for him? No one cares to admit hes probably the best RHD we have had in a decade?

    Tons of comments saying he should get 6.75 or 7m. You guys need to go check yourself into a clinic if you honestly believe a player his age, of his skill set and stat sheet, in this cap climate, is going to get 750k more than we paid Tyler fucking Myers like 5 years ago. Genuinely concerned.

  24. lightningmcmemex

    Hronek has benefitted largely from playing with Hughes. He’s also been lacklustre defensively lately, so he’s not exactly worth 7+ million

  25. arazamatazguy

    They were pot committed the minute they made the trade. There’s no turning back now. To replace him in free agency they’ll pay the same amount of $$$$ and maybe for a lesser player. Add in the idea that Hughes make walk in 3 years and you know they will get this done.

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