@Oilers d'Edmonton

Les Oilers d’Edmonton perdent Vinny Desharnais sur blessure

Après une bagarre lors du match contre l’Avalanche du Colorado, les Oilers pourraient passer du temps sans Vinny Desharnais dans l’alignement. Discutons de ce que cela pourrait signifier au cours des prochaines semaines. #Oilers d’Edmonton #Oilers #LNH


  1. While it sucks it's not a season ending issue. We have a RD in the wings with our 7th D (now 6th D) Stecher. Stecher is literally a RIGHT D (who yes, can play both sides but a guy's natural side is their most comfortable). Really depends on how long Vinny is out. I know they'd prefer to NOT bring up Broberg to sit the pine if avoidable. Thanks Tyson. Take care all.

  2. A lot of people think the OIlers have the depth to be fine without him, but I don't. If he's out in the Playoffs, they will be forced to use Broberg? Last time I saw him he didn't look close to NHL ready. Stecher? Ouch. Oil best hope it's a boo boo and nothing more.

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