@Sénateurs d'Ottawa


Quelqu’un a posté ceci, je crois, ici. Je ne me souviens plus où je les ai vus, mais je les aime vraiment. J’aime ce qu’ils ont maintenant, je pense juste qu’un peu plus de blanc dans les uniformes noirs aiderait. Pensées?



  1. I can’t for the life of me understand why anyone likes this logo. It comes up so often it’s clearly something people like. I just personally think it looks like a something the minor leagues would wear. 

    It honestly looks to me like the comic sans version of the Sens logo. Personally I think it’s awful.

  2. EnigmaMoose

    Complicating an already complicated logo. No for me.

  3. danauns

    Not my taste. None of what you posted, even the red looks like the wrong shade.

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