@Flyers de Philadelphie

[Bill Meltzer] Sean Couturier : « Je travaille depuis un moment. J’ai eu du mal, mais j’ai travaillé sur mon jeu, et c’est frustrant de la façon dont j’ai été traité ici ces derniers temps. Mais c’est ce que c’est. »

[Bill Meltzer] Sean Couturier : « Je travaille depuis un moment. J’ai eu du mal, mais j’ai travaillé sur mon jeu, et c’est frustrant de la façon dont j’ai été traité ici ces derniers temps. Mais c’est ce que c’est. »



  1. upcan845

    I can’t remember Couturier ever being this blunt before. Even more surprising for him to be this blunt as the new Captain.

    « The way I’ve been treated around here lately » is such an unusual barb from him.

  2. Cosbycomedy

    Yeah if I was him I would have just turned down the questions until he was less pissed. He def spoke out emotionally

  3. PwillyAlldilly

    Go play better then it isn’t that difficult bud. I don’t want Ben Simmons 2.0. Frost could man up and take it so you can you.

  4. Big_Acanthocephala14

    If I know Torts at all, this was a test, and Coots failed it. He wants guys to fight back and get in fuck you matches with him. Instead Coots just says I haven’t been told exactly what to improve on, just that Torts needs more from me. How about asking then? How about saying Fuck you Torts, I’m the captain, you’re not benching me. He needs to show a backbone.

  5. Micksar

    Team Coots all the way. Torts did this shit with Farabee last year. Start the season off by commenting on how much time the player missed and how it’ll take some time. Then, despite the player busting their ass to find their form, start pretending like there is no reasonable explanation for their game having peaks and valleys. Difference is Coots isn’t going to walk on all fours and drink his water from a dog bowl for fears of retribution from a coach who will be gone in 2-3 years.

  6. allrocksnoscissor

    is he saying that about the coaching staff or the media?

  7. Streetkillz13

    I mean he has every right to be frustrated, but at the same time, everyone who has struggled here has been called out. Hayes, TK, Farabee, Frost, Sanheim, Cates, Poehling, Tippett, Atkinson, York… It isn’t exclusive to him and if he really wants to take it personally… That’s on him.

  8. Steppyjim

    Look one thing I really do love about Torts is that it doesn’t matter to him if you’re playing hurt. Or if you’re a captain. Or if you’re a star. If you aren’t earning your minutes you won’t get your minutes. Period. Coots is obviously struggling and that’s okay but it’s not fair to the team in a playoff race to keep icing a player that isn’t fit to play right now. And coots isn’t. He just isn’t. I dunno if hes hurt or if he’s not conditioned enough after being out so long, or whatever. But he’s not playing well. If it was any other player they’d be demoted too. He’ll they HAVE been demoted. Almost every guy on the team has had minutes cut for bad stretches.

    Tortorella does this with literally every player. Some like Farabee, Frost, and Sanheim respond well and use it as motivation to be better. Some like Hayes, Provorov, etc don’t respond at all. Coots is frustrated. Frustrated people say frustrated things. I don’t think he’s a malcontent. But you don’t get special treatment anymore. It’s a hard thing for a lot of people but the kid gloves on players not performing handicapped this team for years and years. It’s how we got the old boys club of the Clarke/Holmgren/Barber squad.

    People forget so fast that last year half this town wanted Torts head on a pike for being hard on Sanheim, Bee, York and TK and all of them have been better for it this year. It’s not a media friendly way to coach but it’s effective. I’m sure Coots will come back strong. It’s one game. Here’s hoping that lights a fire in his belly.

  9. pb-breath

    Couturier: « I control what I can control. It is what it is, and I’m gonna move on.

    « It doesn’t matter what I think. I’ve got to leave my ego aside. Hopefully I can get back into [the lineup] soon. »


    I feel like these follow up quotes are pretty important.

  10. trevallen39

    Torts to Coots: Play better.
    Also Torts: You’re stapled to Nic Deslauriers

  11. DreadPirateKyle

    Coots is gassed after finally coming back after the injury. Im not suprised at any of this or how hes been playing. No concerns about how torts is handleing it either. Im sure he’ll be back as the best 2 way forward at some point next season. Going to be a big off season for coots though.

  12. larkhills

    how does he expect to be treated? torts has been pretty consistent with his treatment of players who were struggling or under performing.

    being a captain means you have more responsibility and expectations to perform, not less. if he didnt feel up to the responsibility so soon after getting healthy, id totally respect that. thats a perfectly reasonable thing to want. but then he shouldnt have accepted the role

  13. Snips_Tano

    I mean, that’s not a good sign when the Captain is calling out his treatment by the coaching staff, who were put in place by the organization.

    It seems pretty clear Torts challenges guys to improve ie Farabee last year. Coots doesn’t seem to get that or he is actively fighting it. Neither of which is good.

    He’s also the leader but didn’t stick up for others getting this treatment. But suddenly when it’s him he gets pissy.

    Coots really should have taken a breather before he responded or not responded at all. It’s great to see emotion but sometimes you really gotta try and not sound like Kevin Hayes.

  14. Streetkillz13

    Remember the beginning of the season when torts alternated Foerster and Bobby Brink?

    Looking back, I think he was right to do that but he didn’t make it extensive enough. What he should have done is alternate. Bobby Brink Tyson Foerster, Cam Atkinson and Coots with one of them sitting out every fourth game.

    It would have let you get enough games to see Tyson is an everyday player, Brink need some work, and it would have avoided the crash that both Cam and Sean ran into in the latter part of the season.

  15. DanTreview

    Love Coots, but if he’s not getting answers from Torts, that’s kind of on him. He’s giving Hayes-style responses here which doesn’t fly.

  16. Equivalent_Goose_226

    I’m team Torts here. Cooter will likely regret these comments and hopefully come back as best as he can be. It’s amazing he’s played as well as he has with this back injuries. Hope this does something for him.

  17. AveridgeGuy

    I had some thoughts today. Last game, Torts called a timeout. He didn’t say a word to the team. My dad was also watching and remarked:

    “Look, none of the players are saying anything either (as far as the camera angles showed). He’s waiting to see who on the team will step up and rally the boys”

    I didn’t think much of it at the time, and sometimes it’s better to say nothing. But I wonder if part of this benching is less about his actual play and more with sending a message to Coots about being a more vocal leader now that he’s wearing the C. Probably nothing but just something I was thinking about.

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