@Hurricanes de la Caroline

N’oublie jamais

N’oublie jamais



  1. CanesFan06

    Can they start recommending investments so I know who to avoid? That site is a cancer on the very concept of intelligent thought.

  2. Billy420MaysIt

    Probably for the best they don’t allow comments on their articles over at CardiacCane. I wonder if Baker has a Reddit account so we can point and laugh at his stupidity, probably would never own up to it though.

  3. UNC_Samurai

    This reminds me of the « In five years, when Tebow is leading Denver into the playoffs and Cam Newton is riding someone’s bench, remember this article » chode.

  4. Murky-Perceptions

    Tell me your a professional sports writer with garbage takes, without telling me your a professional sports writer with garbage takes

  5. SokkasBoomerang3

    Bet my whole life savings and future pension that this was CardiacCanes

    The most trash useless garbage piece of shit canes website I’ve ever had the misfortune of discovering

  6. drakethesnake94

    Did this guy not watch Game 6 vs the Islanders last year?

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