@Sabres de Buffalo

Sujet d’après-match : Sabres de Buffalo vs Flames de Calgary – 24 mars 2024

2023021132 BUF gagne, 4-1.

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  1. Icommentoncrap

    Actually a good game for a lot of guys. Quiet, a little but boring, but still good and just what was needed to end the road trip here. Sure there was way too many 2-1 opportunity for the Flames but they weren’t 2-0 opportunities and Upie is a brick wall and assist machine

  2. HilmDave

    Really hope one of these seasons THAT can be our standard level of play.

  3. barffolemeow

    Shout out to all the homies in the GDT, I know the Sabres could not have pulled this one off without us! GGs y’all, GGs

  4. Whippet27

    One point back of NJ. Chance to climb up the board at home

  5. I hate to be negative but that was another 30 minute effort, not what we need to see to go on the run we need to go on. We took advantage of a tired team tonight, and it was still close until the very end. Glad to get the W though, Tuch looked elite and I hope we see much more of that. 

  6. time2fly2124



    ^^^are ^^^we ^^^still ^^^keeping ^^^track?

  7. meltingresorts

    I was out with some friends so I missed this game. Looked at my phone, it was 2-1. Felt like I got the final score notification like two seconds later lmfao.

    They can’t keep getting away with this!!

  8. Whippet27

    Hope Dahls is ok. Hopefully just heard birdies for a bit after puck to helmet

  9. Whippet27

    Thank heavens west coast swing is over. Normal sleep coming

  10. Roguemutantbrain

    I stopped watching and went and got tacos after 1-1. It was me guys. I’ll stop watching now. See y’all in the playoffs

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