@Golden Knights de Vegas

« J’étais déterminé à être d’accord »

« J’étais déterminé à être d’accord »



  1. RestlessInVegas

    Yeah, that’s a tough call. That’s literally two goals right there.

  2. IrishICEE

    Yep i wanna see what Toronto saw cause idk bout this one. Fucking bad loss hopefully flushed out of our system

  3. NoahtheRed

    A bad call, yeah, but a wet paperbag PK afterwards is why they scored…and that’s on us.

  4. tylermtc85

    We got the same exact call our way the other night. I knew that wasn’t coming back.

  5. SarcasmThenDie

    Anyone notice the entire Nashville line up giving the ref daps at the end of the game???

  6. Smashthecrown

    The problem is this can go either way. We see it as clear offsides. But, what we see and what another may vary, based on bias? Yes of course. But since that’s the case they went with the ruling on ice. I wouldn’t be surprised if the lineman couldn’t agree so they just defaulted. I don’t blame Cassidy for challenging, especially to the naked eye, but with a goal lead, they should have left it alone.

    EDIT: especially with a quickly gassing Jiri Patera. It’s not his fault, he was getting peppered, but it’s what happened.

  7. FloralDemon

    It went our way against Seattle, can’t win ‘em all.

  8. ImSomeRandom

    Overhead angles are not conclusive because of the funky camera angle. Ask a Calgary fan about overhead camera angles and they will start having a breakdown 

  9. InnocentPossum

    This one seemed just as difficult and close to call as our one the other day, tbh

  10. ElGuisante2

    I’m biased and drunk and this is clearly offsides.

  11. fostermatt

    I didn’t watch the game but from your SS I just see the puck and player in the zone at the same time.

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