@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quelqu’un vérifie l’emplacement de Jagr

Quelqu’un vérifie l’emplacement de Jagr



  1. Southtune-stringbox

    She’s above his age limit.

  2. Wait…. Was this shot in 2001? Sniiiiipe

  3. WhyAreYouSoSmelly

    Her 2nd Maxim shoot back in the day. Boioioioioioioioing

  4. Capable-Problem8460

    Those fist movements in the end though..

  5. twizzyflyguy

    I’d put up a 5 point game if I knew she was watching (I’ve never played hockey)

  6. hsheowhacwh

    She went to high school in Pittsburgh

  7. tint_shady

    If she was a president she’d be Baberham Lincoln

  8. MontrealTabarnak

    Would not have guessed that was her.

  9. daxtaslapp

    One of the rare celebs that didnt ruin their looks

  10. gardooney

    Yup, when I went to games with mom and dad, I had my I pad on my lap.

  11. Jaded-Function

    Bruins got Celine Dion last week. Loooosers.

  12. Cute_Credit_5341

    sexism in the replies? nah couldn’t be.

  13. probably_a_junkie

    Man, I remember that one Maxim magazine shoot she did back in the day. The one shot of her, um, ‘in position’ in the pool is still burned into my mind.

  14. Le8ronJames

    Damn Christina. Thanks for reminding me about your game

  15. pnf1987

    🎶What a pro wants, what a pro needs 🎶

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