@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Le Kuch « sans assistance »

Avec toute l’agitation de MacKinnon se faisant « voler » une passe décisive, je suis revenu et j’ai regardé ça. Kuch est bien plus méritant dans cette situation que MacKinnon ne l’était dans la sienne, et l’Avs a même demandé cela. Pourquoi n’avons-nous pas fait la même chose pour Kuch ? Ou est-ce que j’ai raté quelque chose ici ? J’ai lu qu’il pouvait y avoir des passes décisives sur des buts contre son camp mais cela ne semble pas être vrai.



  1. HannTwistzz

    Exactly same exact situation, not all points are created equal though in this case so karma K guess? I’ll take it tjough

  2. itsyaboikawaiidesu

    By definition, you can’t get assists on own goals that are directed into the net by the opposing player. You can still get an assist if the puck deflects off of the player, like you may be thinking of, but that isn’t technically an own goal. Only person that gets credit is the person that last touched the puck.

    People are annoyed at the MacKinnon situation because he was chasing a Gretzky record. Anytime someone can get close to one of 99’s records, it’s gonna be talked about. Gretzky had a 40 game point streak at home, which was the entire season at the time. Since then, games in a season have gone from 80 to 82, which means that theoretically, it could be broken and not tied. MacKinnon had gotten a point in every home game up to that point, but obviously didn’t get the assists on the own goal which lead to his point streak being broken and dreams of seeing a Gretzky record broken this season were crushed.

  3. Cousin-Dan

    We, and more importantly Kuch, don’t care about the avalanche or mackinnon

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