@Canucks de Vancouver

Jeff Paterson sur le PP en difficulté des Canucks, score 5v5, arbitres, victoire des Oilers dans le Pacifique, départ des Silovs

Jeff Paterson se joint pour parler de la défaite contre Dallas, du lamentable avantage numérique, de Pius Suter dans le pare-chocs, des corrections, de son niveau d’inquiétude quant à la façon dont l’équipe joue avant la dernière ligne droite avec les Oilers d’Edmonton qui rampent, des lignes mélangées sur le jeudi, l’arbitrage, le manque de discipline des Canucks et quel ailier (le cas échéant) peut être un héros et commencer à produire. Présenté par GRETA BAR YVR (https://lnk.to/GRETAYVR). Notre maison pour manger, boire et regarder le match ! https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https://www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram .com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #NHL #Hockey


  1. The Swedish meatballs falter under pressure. The cities leading citizens gathered on Friday, the largest money launderers, Drug dealers and spies from both India and china met to discuss whether throwing real estate or illegal money at the problem was the best solve as these had been the panacea for placating the masses successfully the last 30 years

  2. In my opinion I don’t like Quinn Hughes owning the puck and shooting from the blue line. What I mean is that other players does not know where to be when he is moving around from here to there and so on. They need to be playing deeper with a tic tac play.

  3. I knew since 94 vancouver or any canadian team would not be given a fair shake, and since the sport gambling and vegas came into the league its gotten outta control…calls that just dont make sense…obvious blown calls and non calls that just dont make any sense that completely dictate the games, dops making head scratching decisions..i mean when pietreangelo slashed draisaitl in the playoffs last year.. i mean what would it have taken, a broken arm for dops to man up? Van is gonna have to change there mindset from we should be reffed fairly to its us against the team and nhl and adjust accordingly

  4. Good power-plays are simple. 2-3 quick passes and a shot. No one holds the puck early in the pp. 3 power-plays should equal 10 good shots and a few gritty rebound plays.

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