@Panthers de la Floride

Sujet d’après-match : Red Wings de Détroit contre Panthers de Floride – 30 mars 2024

2023021165 FLA gagne, 2 – 3 SO.

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  1. EnjoiDank

    Glad we got the W. Investigate Rooney

  2. MilesDavis_Stan



  3. RoadDoggFL

    Refs gonna have a huddle to see what went wrong.

  4. Margin4Error

    Fuck. Every. Single. Official. In. That. Game.

    Downvote me all you want but they 100% had a hold of this game.

    We won in regulation.

  5. chrispy_exe

    The refs were just getting silly and we still won the fucking game. We’re so back.

  6. Both barkov and bobovka with a huge pair today

  7. Brand__on

    Glad to finally snap the losing and get the dub. Wasn’t pretty but we got it done. Way to bring it back in the third and Bobby dealing the deal in the shoot out.

  8. brewre_26

    “We got yelled at in the locker room” appreciate the honesty barky

  9. brechbillc1

    Holy shit the Wings fans in r/hockey were some of the bitchiest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen.

    They can take their fucking loser point and shove it. They got gifted a 4v3 power play to tie it when they should have lost this one in regulation.

  10. TkilledJ

    Can someone Tanya Harding ole Rooney to ensure he doesn’t ref another game? 😂

  11. LEDZ100

    The Refs absolutely robbed this game from Detroit because the league loves the dirty panthers. The fact that Chris Rooney didn’t give the Red Wings a 7th power play in OT once the first one expired is simply malpractice.

  12. MilesDavis_Stan

    So we’re simultaneously the “league’s favorites”and we get away with everything, but somehow we’re 1v6 in power plays in each of the last two games? Interesting how that works.

  13. CorruptedReaction

    We played that game a lot better than the final score indicated. I’d still like to see a more dominant win at some point to fully break free from this lull in play but with the exception of the Islanders game our last few have looked a lot more like our usual standard. Also, we need to be free of this reffing crew. 2-12 penalty call balance over the last two games is pretty wild

  14. dunkcitybitch

    Sincerely hope someone slashes Chris Rooney’s tires. 2 more games (out of many) of dogshit officiating on his part.

    Glad we pulled out the W.

  15. kipluvstechnology

    Refs suck, Barky and B🚫B saved the day. SO’s are stupid

  16. Had Eckblad not gone nuts in third this result unlikely. My doood

  17. ZealousidealKey7104

    The Wings don’t deserve to make the playoffs. They parked the bus, playing five guys behind the puck and one forechecker for 40 minutes to try to win 1-0. I’m surprised they didn’t get another powerplay in OT and try trap to get to the shootout. They suck bigtime and you have to love the over the top crazy eyes from 1st round bust Michael Rasmussen

  18. Rapebad

    *Seider sends puck over the glass in his own zone*

    Chmielewsky to Rooney:

    “Ya gotta call it Roons.”

    “I don’t wanna.”

    “It’s a puck over the glass call. It’s too obvious.”

    “Fine. But I’m still gonna have sex w my sister after the game”

  19. gumball_olympian

    I didn’t watch the game, I’m just reading the box score. 

    > 10:14 Aaron Ekblad Cross-checking against Dylan Larkin

    > 14:25 Aaron Ekblad Roughing against Alex DeBrincat

    > 14:25 Alex DeBrincat Roughing against Aaron Ekblad

    Got it. So Ecky cross checked larkin, got out of the box, and DeBrincat took a run at him, and that’s somehow a penalty on Ecky. All I’m saying is if I can tell a penalty is bull shit by looking at the box score… 

  20. the_sylince

    Tempo turned around almost immediately after the old lineups jumped on the ice second period

  21. nixxzusehen

    That was the first panthers game I ever watched (new fan, new to hockey in general, not american) and jesus, that was stressfull. I’m both sad and relieved that I can’t watch most games

  22. DataDump_

    Fuck the refs. Hope Rooney lost a lot of money betting on this game

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