@Flyers de Philadelphie

John Tortorella jette (presque) toute l’équipe des Flyers sous le bus après une cinquième défaite consécutive | Traversée large

John Tortorella jette (presque) toute l’équipe des Flyers sous le bus après une cinquième défaite consécutive | Traversée large



  1. No_Bank_330

    This is how you lose the room. Exceeded expectations. Grew a lot as a team. Now they are exhausted. They have to push for the playoffs but Torts needs to read the room.

  2. PoofLightsSexy

    Shitty title. Torts called it like it is. Fedotov played his ass off but the rest of the team never showed up for the 2nd period. Also, it’s clear this isn’t a playoff ready team… yet. Hope we make it, but the future for the Flyers is very bright.

  3. Cappedomnivore

    Good. I don’t understand the people who are upset with his reaction after last night’s game. They played like shit. They deserve the criticism.

  4. AppearanceKey2170

    Can’t make up for the lack of talent they’re missing, with hard work

  5. samcoffeeman

    I think the whole team is gassed. They played their asses off all year and couldn’t keep the pace up. Ersson in particular I think is both mentally and physically exhausted. Didn’t help they just were out 4 D-men for a couple weeks with the Walker trade and Risto/Seeler/Drysdale all out. Not sure what’s up with Coots either, hopefully he gets back to form next season

  6. Suitable-Leek666

    I hate articles like this, clickbait title and just assuming the worst in every possible situation. Torts is frustrated because there are some players that were excellent when they had no expectations early in the year but now that its getting into the hardest part of the season they arent showing up. I’ve also never in my life seen so much gossip about every healthy scratch

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