Journaliste : « Pensez-vous que [appreciation] des fans un peu plus cette année ? Nick Suzuki : « Non, ils ont toujours été avec moi et m’ont soutenu, depuis que j’ai rejoint l’équipe. J’aime jouer devant eux, j’aime gagner des matchs pour eux. C’est un endroit amusant où jouer lorsque nous gagnons.
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God damn I love this guy. I will always feel vindicated that I wanted him to be captain when so many people wanted it to be Gallagher.
Knew he was special ever since his playoff run at Guelph. Nick is a bonafide gamer and has already been proven to be clutch during the habs playoff stint to the finals. Almost like he’s got a spare propane tank when the games matter most.
He’s come a long way but I’m sure he’s got so much farther to go still. Glad we have him as the face of the team. When we grow older and watch him hand the torch to the next captain, we will look back to these moments fondly.
Lover of Cats, Bringer of Cups, We believe in you Suzuki man
Good to see from Nick Suzuki.
This guy jerks the tears out of me in an understated stoic way. This guy this fucking captain!
The moment for me was during the vegas series, forget which game, he gets knocked ass over tea kettle, shakes it of like its nothing and sets up a goal not too long after iirc. Was my #2 behind Price and is now my favourite player.
and he has the patience to answer dumb questions…