@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Revisiter le Lightning de Tampa Bay 2004

Ils ont remporté un championnat en 2004. Ils n’ont pas eu à le défendre en 2005. C’était la dernière saison avant le début de l’ère des casquettes. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy Suivez-moi sur Twitter https://twitter.com/ShansBoomstick Aimez et suivez ma page sur Facebook https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Contact moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 38 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1


  1. My first year of watching hockey was in the 03-04 season. The year Bertuzzi ended Moore's career, and the first year I fully watched the playoffs. I was so into it no matter who was playing, and of course was heartbroken seeing the Canucks lose to Calgary in game 7. But seeing Tampa be the first ever team I watch hoist the cup, I always had a soft spot for them since then and are my #2 team today. I was 9 at the time and even I knew that Tampa wasn't supposed to pull that off with the lineup they had. Then you add Marty St. Louis who became one of my favourite players, Andreychuk, Lecavalier, Richards, there was a lot of inspiring stories about that team.

    Tampa today deserves a cup with the core they have, so do a bunch of other teams though and most of them will probably never get the chance to. That's what makes playoff hockey exciting though, especially when there's an underdog team making a run for it even though they had no business in doing so.

  2. I vaguely remember the ECF as I was like 8-9 years old. I do remember Gagne's game winner that forced game 7. What could've been.

  3. No team has hall of famers technically. None of these guys get into the hall until 5 years after retirement. When you look at any roster now, it's hard to know who will be in the HOF, therefore it's strange to discuss "teams with hall of famers" in retrospect. None of these guys were in yet, and some who never got in, probably should have.

  4. Did you just say Vinny Lecavalier is a hall of gamer?? Come on Shannon.. The same guy who was bought out multiple times and played his way out of the NHL by his mid thirties?? No way.

  5. For you Flames fans. You weren't robbed of anything. The puck never went over the goal line, it only looked that way because of the camera angle. It was debunked before. Also you had another game to win the Cup. So stop it with the victim complex.

  6. The zoomed-in replays show the puck didn't completely cross the line on Gellinas shot game six shot. Regardless, Calgary still had overtime at home and a game seven to take care of business and failed….it's nothing but unsubstantiated whining by Calgary fans.

  7. The Bolts couldn't afford to bring Khabibulin back post lockout and it just completely destroyed the team. They had him under contract for 04-05 and they had such a young and good team, with Khabibulin there, they should have made at the very least a deep run into the playoffs, if not win the cup. Obviously we don't know what would have happened, but for those that wonder what happened to this team, it was all about Khabibulin and the Lightning not finding another goaltender until Bishop. Also it hurt the momentum of the hockey in the south, obviously Tampa has grown into a top market and they've always had great attendance (for the most part), but missing that 04-05 season when hockey fever was at it's absolute height did hurt in the coming years when the team bottomed out. Sure, it's not the awful Panthers with their 7000 people a game, but you'd got to the Ice Palace, which seated 20,500 at the time, when you only had 13,000 in there for a weekday game the place looked and felt empty. On the positive side up until a few years ago the tickets were extremely affordable, even club seats weren't overly expensive so I'd head down there at least a dozen times a year – but now prices for those same club seats are about 3-4x as expensive so it's not the impulse buy it used to be.

    Also going forward the area around the arena is all being built up, the arena is at the center of a gigantic development, so it will be interesting to see if it kills the vibe down there or makes it an even hotter and harder to get ticket.

  8. This year the lightning best year so far, even ranks as the top 10 best season in NHL history maybe top 5 best season but we will see.

  9. 3 years later after this video, and 16 years after Tampa won their last cup, the lightning are on the brink of winning their second cup 2020

  10. The goal wasn’t in I don’t care what people say. The puck has to pass over the line completely it can’t go over it half way. If you go back and look at the play from a closer angle it’s clear that it didn’t go in all the way. The Lightning won that cup fare and square.

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