@Ligue nationale de hockey

Qui est le plus rapide ? MacKinnon ou McDavid ?

Qui est le plus rapide ? MacKinnon ou McDavid ?



  1. NoCandidate7335

    F’n McDavid…what the hell is wrong with you? McDavid is HANDS DOWN the fastest skater in the nhl

  2. Ancient-Bluejay2590

    Both among the greats. It’s fun to watch.

  3. D-Broncos

    This was the first shift of the game too. The intensity of these two is awesome I can’t wait for the playoffs. However I think there is a difference how each of their skating affects the game. McDavid’s speed finds space whereas makinnons speed creates space. McDavid wants to skate around you, mackinnon wants to skate through you. McDavid flies, mackinnon slashes.

  4. yup7100

    McDavid is smoother. MacKinnon has really agressive skating style.

  5. Deveranmar1

    This is insanely fun. Not many sports where two of the top players in recent times go head to head and pace for pace.
    I do wish my team had a *superstar but im content with josi and forsberg as underdogs.
    This is just so entertaining though. A back and forth of two excellent members of the sport. Mad claps

  6. FerociousRacc

    McDavid. Mak is quick but McJesus has him by a hair. In this clip alone you can tell Mak has to make turns to evade him, straight line McD was catching him

  7. drlongfinger

    They’re both so ridiculously talented

  8. MuskwaMan

    How many times has Mckinnon been stripped of the puck from behind in full stride from a faster guy?

  9. Senior-Swimming7949

    McDavid is faster. Both are elite in speed in the NHL, but McDavid is faster.

  10. TheGreatPervSage_94

    McDavid is likea sportscar
    Speeedy and smooth

    MacKinnon is like a fast light weight troop carrier
    Power and speed

  11. nordy_13

    Not disrespecting Mackinnon but Mcdavid clearly wins the foot race right at the start.

  12. Dazzling-Charge4580

    24.19 top speed for McDavid this year. 24.05 top speed for MacKinnon this year.

    Now if we compare speed bursts then it’s MacK and it’s not even close.

    Bursts over 20+ MPH, McDavid with 444, MacKinnon with 679.

    Bursts over 22+ mph, McDavid with 62, MacKinnon with 110.

    Straight line McDavid has him beat, but thats as far as I’d go.

    People acting like the Avs didn’t just play a b2b here, the entire team was gassed, everyone was slow out there on the ice for us, so obviously one of the fastest players with fresh legs is going to be able to keep pace with a player who logged 25+ TOI 18 hours ago and make it look easy. Doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure that one out.

    Ah well, playoffs are just around the corner, not very concerned with these last few games, need everyone to be healthy and ready to get after it when it actually matters.

  13. United_Elk6758

    These two on team Canada will be delicious.

  14. CommandHot3245

    Can’t teach THAT speed. Can’t wait to see them together on team canada!

  15. anewcynic

    MacKinnon- I’m faster!

    McDavid- No, I’m faster!

    McFly- Let’s see if you bastards can do 90!

    …sorry, I couldn’t resist.

  16. waitwhosaidthat

    I’m so pumped for team Canada Olympics

  17. HoopOnPoop

    Not just speed, but functional speed. You see somewhat frequently in sports where guys can absolutely fly in a straight line test but aren’t able to play fast, whether it’s because they’re not quick side to side or their other skills (stick handling, route running for a WR, dribbling for a basketball player, etc.) aren’t good enough to keep up. These guys take their speed and apply it within the game and it’s ridiculous.

  18. cig-nature

    They’re close enough that I’m going to need a full playoff series to decide.

  19. Grand-Ingenuity-6460

    Straight line speed and acceleration without the the puck Mackinnon

    Anything with the puck McDavid

  20. Nuck_Nuck_Goose

    The way McDavid skates makes him look like he weighs 1/2 of what MacKinnon does

  21. crywhenugetolder

    McDavid just making it look so effortlessly.
    We’re spoiled to witness this!

  22. john4845

    Early in the season McDavid had his injury, he hasn’t been as fast this season as he was at his speed-peak.

    1-4 years ago he was much more often taking the puck in full speed from his zone, and skating by all the other players, even going around them from the outside. Not every rush resulted in a goal, but there were lots of them, too.

    I think MacKinnon is faster coming in from the left side, and his acceleration with his jumping steps in some body positions seems to be a bit faster. But I think McDavid has a more versatile style, he is faster in many other styles of acceleration / situtations, even if MacKinnon might be faster on the left side of the ice, accelerating from the center to the left, himself turning rigth, taking those few choppy/jumping strides.

    Accelerating in a straight line or criss-crossing to both sides every few steps, McDavid is faster.

  23. Capt_Pickhard

    MacKinnon I’m sure is not used to that lol.

  24. tomtakespictures

    McDavid’s reach and ability to pick your pocket without hooking is nuts.

  25. goleafsgo88

    Who cares, it’s just super fun to watch.

  26. CryptoSpyro

    F1 race mcdavid, quarter mile Mackinnon

  27. Sashaband

    their thoughts before the game every time they play each other…

    « well, I guess it’s leg day »

    those two are lightning fast

  28. throwitawaynow95762

    Oh my god. I’ve never seen a player toast another player both ways in such rapid succession.

  29. Embarrassed_Bug1247

    Mcdavid definitely, Mackinnon skates just like Crosby though. Just a little faster but him and Crosby are pure power skating

  30. Greendaydude22

    This is fucking sick. Two of the best players in the world going head to head matching each other.

  31. Girardkirth

    Didn’t McDavid win the speed contest at the skills comp?

  32. Hungry_Definition450

    The question should be ‘who has a cup and who doesn’t?!’

  33. Ryan_Dymond04

    McDavid and MacKinnon on Team Canada will be unstoppable. Opposing defencemen will be terrified when they see these two coming at them full speed.

  34. Squancher_2442

    Mcdavid. MacKinnon is a beast though

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