@Ligue nationale de hockey

Brady Tkachuk, expert en étiquette sur le filet vide, explique calmement les règles aux Devils du New Jersey

Brady Tkachuk, expert en étiquette sur le filet vide, explique calmement les règles aux Devils du New Jersey



  1. Two_Inches_Of_Fun

    Hischier should have ripped a slapper into the empty net that would have been funny as hell.

  2. Rupdy71

    Leafs Nation will not care about this at all/s

  3. terimaki89

    LOL what happened brady? you have a certain way you prefer an ENG too?


  4. ShmoopToThrill89

    So now letting the puck slide into the net after the buzzer is a no-no? So embarrassed

  5. ModernMandalorian

    Bradys acting like a bitch. 

  6. redditracing84

    Hey Brady, you’re totally right here, but you also gotta punch your teammate.

  7. twizzyflyguy

    But if one of his own did that he would go to the media after and say he approved of it

  8. Majestic-Sky-6663

    Hahahaha…ayyyyy common, don’t be so sensitive right?😉

  9. XCIXcollective

    Lmaoooo I mean you couldn’t write it any funnier that he got mad 😂

  10. twizzyflyguy

    I’m just laughing at the title, good job OP 😂

  11. MariachiArchery

    Lmfao, this is like the most polite empty netter ever.

    Edit: Watched it with no sound…

  12. unitednihilists

    The Tkachuk boys are fucking idiots.

  13. Housson

    Morgan Reilly has been suspended 5 games 

  14. thegodfaubel

    I swear, hockey players are the softest tough guys ever. How do you play on broken legs and then whine about shit like this?!

  15. GoalieFatigue

    Both Tkachuk brothers were GIANT bitches today

  16. nukfan94

    Remember, everyone. Hockey players are the TOUGHEST THERE IS.

  17. Right-Aspect2945

    These grown men are so fucking sensitive about empty nets. It’s ridiculous. « I’m gonna start a 10 man brawl because he lightly guided the puck into an empty net after the buzzer ». Grow up.

  18. tuxedo7777

    Is there a bigger family of cunts in NHL history???

  19. rollsoftape

    Hischier had an easy goal, he had plenty of time. Sens should be happy he saved them a minus.

  20. mass1030

    That’s team is going nowhere with that dipshit as their leader

  21. Minute-Distance9992

    The same team who scored an empty net against the leafs is saying there’s etiquete like fuck off

  22. Donqweeqwee

    God suck it up pussy you lost sorry

  23. N8theGrape

    These grown ass men are so goddamn sensitive. You lost, grow up.

  24. danger_otter34

    These Tkachucks excel at being assholes.

  25. Big_Palpitation7095

    He’s a Tkachuk. Dad a douche hockey player. Matthew a bigger douche.

  26. Salt-Fun-9457

    I do tire of the human sized thumb’s antics.

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