@Flames de Calgary

Morning Embers : édition des nouveaux ajouts

Les Flames perdent contre les Coilers 4-2 Sharangovich et Kuzmenko ont tous deux été plutôt bons, ils tiennent leur part du marché. Les deux sont également des UFA en 25/26, intéressant de voir ce qui se passera à l’avenir

[Condensed Game Here](https://youtu.be/X37bQxMlaV8?si=vpoUNJAUtFbR3TcM) Prochain match : 9 avril à San Jose à 8h30 HNR



  1. Cooler_Heads

    Not a bad game for the Flames, but holy fucking refs. They really didnt want to see any Oilers potentiallty getting injured out there
    I really hope Shango and Kuzi stick around if the price is right

  2. backchecklund

    I really would have preferred a W here. Nonetheless, it was a fun game and the loss contributes to a greater cause.

    Poor Conroy having to tell the same old stories on After Hours lmao

  3. Trust_Process0910

    Oilers fans in the PGT are so angry. Must really suck living in Edmonton.

  4. kingsmustrise

    Top things I noticed, we have the skill and guys are getting more comfortable in their roles post trade deadline shake up. Our PP needs a new visionary at the helm, the entire league clued into the blue line pass in October and since then we’ve been giving up a short handed break away almost every time. The risk versus reward of the blue line pass does not create as many high danger chances for us as it does for the team that’s down a man. There’s a problem with that.

    Point #2, the boys need to work on stamina. In the chucky, lindy, and johnny era – the give a care factor would not last the full 60 minutes and either we’d crash and burn in the third or be playing catch up all game after being slow out of the gate. This team appears to give a care for the full 60 minutes (love it!), but lacks gas in the tank to make a final meaningful push in the third if we are down a goal or two. This summer, I expect the entire team riding their bikes down the highway to Johnston’s Canyon daily.

    Point #3, Perry barking at Kane on the bench last night for coughing up possession made me realize we don’t necessarily have that hard nosed presence in the locker room. I’m left wondering if that is something we need at moments? It’s 50/50 for me as I understand these guys are still learning at the NHL level and their hockey IQ is going up every game. I’m not asking my tv « why would he do that?? » as often as I was at the start of the season. Perry was giving it to Kane as he is a vet who should know better in those scenarios, we don’t necessarily have a ton of guys who should know better – therefore the soft approach is better, for now anyways.

    Lastly, can Chucky do the org one last favor and take Popsicle under his wing this off season to develop him from chucky-lite to a full fledge menace who doesn’t get majors or suspensions?

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