@Devils du New Jersey

Sujet d’après-match : Predators de Nashville contre Devils du New Jersey – 07 avril 2024


[NHL.com Boxscore](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/2023021233) |Équipes|1ère|2ème|3ème|OT|SO|Total| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[NSH](/r/prédateurs)|1|0|1|0|1|3| |[NJD](/r/diables)|1|0|1|0|0|2| ##Statistiques de l’équipe |Équipe|Tirs|Fucs|Blocs|FOW%|Cadeaux|À emporter|Power Play|PIM| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |[NSH](/r/prédateurs)|35|17|9|0.555556%|5|17|1/4|4| |[NJD](/r/diables)|25|12|16|0.444444%|12|17|0/2|8| ##Objectifs |Période|Temps|Équipe|Force|Description| |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |1er|01:49|[NJD](/r/diables)|Même|[Jack Hughes (27) wrist shot, assist(s): Luke Hughes (36), Jesper Bratt (54)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6350481912112) |1er|08:39|[NSH](/r/prédateurs)|Même|[Roman Josi (21) slap shot, assist(s): Filip Forsberg (45), Ryan O’Reilly (39)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6350480736112)| |3ème|02:11|[NJD](/r/diables)|Même|[Chris Tierney (4) snap shot, assist(s): Tomas Nosek (4)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6350486739112)| |3ème|12h45|[NSH](/r/prédateurs)|Jeu de puissance|[Luke Evangelista (16) wrist shot, assist(s): Ryan O’Reilly (40), Filip Forsberg (46)](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6350486164112)| |SO|—|[NSH](/r/predators)|—|Ryan O’Reilly (25) tir du poignet, passe décisive : Aucune| ##Pénalités |Période|Durée|Équipe|Type|Min|Description| |:–:|:–:|:-:|:–:|:–:|:–:| |2ème|06:37|[NSH](/r/predators)|MIN|2|Colton Sissons trébuche contre Luke Hughes| |2e|10:51|[NJD](/r/devils)|MIN|2|Jonas Siegenthaler trébuche contre Jason Zucker| |2e|19:57|[NSH](/r/prédateurs)|MIN|2|Jérémy Lauzon tenant contre Nico Hischier| |3ème|10:32|[NJD](/r/devils)|MIN|2|Kevin Bahl high-stick contre Filip Forsberg| |3ème|12:32|[NJD](/r/devils)|MIN|2|Simon Nemec retarde le jeu-puck-over-glass| |OT|04:30|[NJD](/r/devils)|MIN|2|Luke Hughes trébuche contre Filip Forsberg| **Officiels** * Arbitres : Kelly Sutherland, Corey Syvret * Juges de lignes : Scott Cherrey, David Brisebois Le bot ne peut être aussi correct que ses sources, les sources qu’il utilise sont liées sous chaque tableau. Si vous remarquez une erreur qui n’est pas due à une source incorrecte ou si vous souhaitez suggérer une source [click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=TeroTheTerror&subject=HockeyMod Issue&message=Subreddit:%0A%0AIssue:) pour envoyer un message à TeroTheTerror.



  1. blade430

    Jack is about to massively lower his handicap this summer

  2. dadphobia

    So now we have to win out and everyone has to go like .400 or worse 😂

  3. NoFearsNoTears

    Of course Smith ends up making a shit defensive play to help sink this team. I hate this team more than my ex wife

  4. RealisticGarlic7779

    Why are we always so pathetic in the shootout

  5. Down_Rodeo_

    This team sucks so much this year it’s just not fun. I’ve never seen such skilled players look so fucking horrible like they did tonight. Missed puck after missed puck. This entire coaching staff has to go. They are just the epitome of trash.

  6. TheDopestTrip

    Jack Hughes out there looking like he rather be playing golf. 

  7. njkid30

    At least we are done with back to backs now?

  8. nostradamefrus

    That was mostly ass. Way too reliant on Jake bailing out dumb plays and turnovers as usual. Game management calls didn’t help. Idk how Green looks at Jack’s 1v1 record and decides to put him out when the game is on the line. At least he held onto the puck this time, and I don’t mean that as praise

    Just get through 4 more games the least embarrassing way possible

  9. Dustmopper

    75 games inbeteeen shootouts has to be some sort of record

    But let’s not do it again for 75 more

  10. njdevs23

    “Jack Hughes toe drags it, and it’s stolen, breakaway for Nashville. Huge save from Jake Allen keeps the game alive”

    “Jack Hughes needs to score to keep the game alive” I had zero faith that he would.

    Maybe i’m crazy, but I just don’t see Jack as a star in this league. The turnovers, lack of defense, lack of powerplay efficiency. I hope he proves me wrong, but I don’t see it. For me the core of this team is Jesper, Nico, Nemec, Timo

  11. SoupySails37

    There really is nothing like able about this years squad. Soft, undisciplined, and high on their own supply. They better come back next year ready to play because the league doesn’t owe them anything. Teams aren’t going to just lay down for them because they have talent. They have to earn everything. Let’s hope this follows the Colorado Avalanche arc.

  12. TheNightRain68

    Meh, season’s over anyway. At least we kept it close. We’re far too injured for the playoffs anyway. Get a higher pick.

  13. SuperCorgi1

    Have we ever been good at the shootout?

  14. MartyBro30

    This teams lack of consistency/ intensity is maddening. Where was this in January and February.

  15. SINY10306


    maybe ‘skeleton’ uniforms = bad luck?

  16. Satanic_Doge

    In nearly 10 years of following this team, I think I’ve seen us win a shootout less than 5 times.

  17. Don’t really know the answer to this but does the fact that Nemo played the puck with a high stick have any effect on the delay of game call?

  18. blade430

    Jack was so crazy last year, I understand that he’s been injured but like I’ve said in another thread, those injuries shouldn’t have affected his decision making ability. So what the hell is wrong with him?

  19. Radjage

    Not saying we shouldnt have fired Lindy, but I think this team would have done better with him rather than Green since his firing. At least Green has no shot at returning.

  20. jerseygunz

    Just win Tuesday because I’m unfortunately going and then throw out Utica for the rest of the year. Season to forget for sure, but I’m thinking we are just taking the Vegas/tampa path

  21. WilderZero

    Can’t help but wonder what next season will look like. Seems like we have a lot to fix right now.

  22. MountainBaker8217

    A Loser Point!:

    * honestly, can’t believe we saw an over time game. I missed it. I love watching this team play over time.
    * cool to see an all Swiss OT trio to start, dunno if it was the best move, would have gone with Nico, Jack and Luke, if it was me, but still!
    * shootout continues to be our nemesis.
    * we had no business getting a point in that game if I’m being honest.
    * like that was all Preds all game long.
    * we really have our goalie tandem to thank for getting us through that game, first Kaapo, minus the shot that injured him, and then, of course, JAKE THE SNAKE ALLEN.
    * Chris ‘The Cobra’ Tierney
    * Shane Bowers impressed me.
    * Wanna gave a shoutout to Tomas Nosek, who is looking like a whole ass different player now that he’s healthy. He’s not a super star, he’s not a star, he’s just a solid bottom six guy. Good to have something like that in the lineup when our bottom six has been a mess all season long.
    * glad that Kaapo is seemingly okay!
    * special teams has really sunk us in the past week or so. bad PPs and PK losing its shine.
    * this was not a good game for us, but we came out of it with a point and ya know what thats fine.
    * its so clear that the goalie woes of earlier this season have really changed the player mindset this season. earlier this season, we’d see goalies let in bunches of goals against in quick succession and you’d see leads disappear or you’d see the ability to come from behind vanish. even though they have really competent goalies now that do instill some confidence in the boys…there’s still that leftover almost trauma which is whats causing all these third period performances we’ve seen as of late. other team starts scoring or gaining momentum and the guys have like flashbacks to earlier on in the season and they start holding their sticks too tight or start playing a bit more scared and like they’re holding on for dear life. you can see it in their demeanor.
    * but it was good to see them put up a fight in the waning minutes of the third this game even after Nashville tied it up. it wasn’t pretty, but they got it to OT.

    just four more games remain! two against Toronto!

  23. Mysterious_Ant3095

    Ok does anyone have the cobra story, I missed the explanation and I really don’t want to go back and look

  24. gleeson630

    Just imagine when we have Saros next year.

    It’s gonna be like the last 15 games we’ve gotten better than his .908 s% from our goalies. Just with less of a defensive system that’s been successful for decades in front of him.

  25. Mysterious_Ant3095

    Travis Greene calmly walking out to this post game conference holding that silly cup… nah bye man

  26. Effective-Bus

    Green just said in the post game presser that they lost it in the shoot out. That’s straight up delusional. I mean we literally lost it in the shoot out but that’s not what he meant.

  27. njdevs23

    “Sometimes I just close my eyes and hope to hear the crowd roar. And when they’re coming at us, I close my eyes and hope not to hear anything” -Travis Green

    Wow. Sounds right on point. His eyes are closed most of the game. It all makes sense now.

  28. blade430

    Do you think Josh Filmon joins the roster next year? He’s been killing it in the WHL

  29. uticadevil

    Mathematical elimination may come on Tuesday

  30. LaHondaSkyline

    Devils skaters are playing really poorly. They are playing much worse than in the first month of the season. Not sure how a team gets so much worse over a season.

    Seems like Green is just mailing it in (and that vibe has to be rubbing off on the players). Really, some here won’t admit it, but the Devils played better under Ruff than under Green. And this is not a defense of Ruff, because he was not good. It is just an indictment of Green.

  31. beachy927

    Honestly seeing how well the Islanders have done with the loser point, I wish they had gotten some more games to OT.. which all comes down to some luck.. 6-5 production.. better defense.. and clutch saves.. and coaching.. and so the story goes. I just heard Luke Hughes post game and I have to say, he’s well spoken and respectful to the media, so different from his big bro in that regard. Common youngest sibling win (I’m the youngest sibling so yes I’m biased).

  32. gothenburgpig

    Everyone check your Devils Worst Season bingo card for “lose player to taking puck to dick”

  33. sanbaba

    Almost into the 9th draft spot! Imho Alexander Holtz’s best game so far, by far. He actually created two scoring chances on his own. The refs are straight up fixing games. Bowers looks promising, Jake Allen is a god.

  34. NewJerseyVsEverybody

    Being in this thread after skipping the game is like in high school when you missed out on something and then heard later it sucked

  35. nohitterdip

    Mercer should have been traded months ago. Now nobody will want him.

  36. Rude_Fishing1664

    They really need to hire coach Gordon bombay to bring this team together

  37. Cum_on_doorknob

    Devils haven’t scored a single goal in the shootout this year or last year (not counting players that left). And Hughes has failed to register a shot on goal in two penalty shots.

    The probability of these scenarios is amazing.

  38. Spillz92

    I also dropped in during the game to say “can’t believe they’re gonna cut the gap to 4 points and give me hope again.”

    But that didn’t happen so it’s all good!

  39. Kornja81

    And that’ll be the season. Rest everyone who is injured. Rework the entire D core (outside Hughes, Dougie, and Nemo) everyone else can fuck off. Fix the bottom 6, McLeod (garbage p.o.s but we can’t deny he played well and rounded out the team) is a tough spot to replace imo. Try getting rid of Palat, he simply anchors down whoever he plays with. Get some toughness and the obvious….. get a goalie and a coach who holds players respo.

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