@Devils du New Jersey


Je viens de le voir sur IG – Jack ne prendra pas la glace 🙁 Nolan Foote cependant



  1. Makes sense if he’s really hurt since it’s all speculation.

    If he’s not, then we are just protecting our investment ?

  2. Mysterious_Ant3095

    Holy shit… the training staff finally grew a pair of balls and a medical license

  3. TheSexyBoiii

    Whether he’s actually hurt or not, I have no problem letting him rest and potentially get healthier. We’re an extreme longshot for the playoffs (i.e., not gonna happen), so we might as well not risk injury and also give some other guys the chance to log minutes

  4. Mr7three2

    Just sit him for the rest of the year.


    If this isn’t a brand new injury that occurred, this is straight up an indictment of the medical staff.

    There’s no excuse running our players into the ground for half assed effort.

  6. Audi_R8_

    Keep him out the rest of the year if there’s any risk of aggravating something. If he needs surgery, don’t pull a Taylor hall and actually give him the surgery sooner rather than later

  7. nsfate18

    Our medical staff needs to be investigated. It took until we were at a potential cap of 87 points for them to finally sit Jack.

  8. Flash99j

    The kid is fragile…. I think this « upper body » thingie is gonna be with him his entire career.. jus sayin

  9. njdev759

    Is there a legit source for this? I can’t find anything

  10. Brattshandles

    Everybody says he’s playing hurt when he plays like ass. But then he looks great and crickets. Excuses for the golden boy. I think this is unrelated or re-aggravated.

  11. nostradamefrus


    Tanks full speed ahead

  12. Boy’s gotta put on some mass this summer

  13. Kornja81

    Should’ve been the case since last week. This medical staff and management is a joke. Forcing your franchise player to suit up when he wasn’t even at 70% (if that).

    Then you add in the quotes from Timo earlier today about him not being used properly all year. Wtf is going on with the organization?

  14. theketchupthief

    Was at the 1/6 game vs Chicago when Jack fell, guy next to me yelled “season over” the second he left the ice.

    In hindsight I truly think that was the exact moment the season ended. We had just jumped Washington for third in the metro the game prior and were firmly in a playoff spot.

  15. DawgMutt05

    Wait: you all think they (medical staff) are “forcing” him to play lol?

    HE is the one who wants to play, regardless of what the medical staff wants, regardless of being injured or not.

    He’s just a fierce competitor, wants to play. Of course he wouldn’t take himself out unless he personally feels the need to sit out.

    He runs the show around here. Still not sure how anyone could STILL NOT see that there is a two-tiered player system here with no structure or accountability. All starts with ownership and their stupid analytics (and sales) teams, who have clear control of the GM, coaching & training/medical decisions

  16. Crumbssss_

    I don’t see Jack ever playing a full season

  17. CryptoSpyro

    Jack needs to do proper rehab and build up his frame a little bit hopefully he can become a little more injury resillent.

  18. plasticfumes

    News that isn’t news. He admitted he’s not at 100%. Let him rest, the seasons a lost cause pretty much. Would rather have him back to capacity when next season rolls around. Ho hum.

  19. Harrisonmonopoly

    I still blame his early return on the stadium series.

  20. FacebookDevilsFans

    Now who will Luke play catch with for 1:58 of power play?

  21. Grimmer026

    Probably best to shit him down. Maybe one of these years he’ll play a full season.

  22. Space_Legitimate

    I guess no one is going to pay to watch him play tonight

  23. sapphires_and_snark

    He should have been shut down at least a week ago.

  24. Neat-Spray9660

    I’m sick of him & I’m sick of this team

  25. zombooze

    The medical staff has been fumbling a lot of things lately but I believe he wanted to play regardless. That being said both sides should have realized shoulder issues for the dangling style he plays has a huge impact on performance and hinders a lot of things.hence why everyone with bare eyes saw he was still playing hurt.

  26. uticadevil

    Damn it, I paid to watch him play tonight.

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