@Devils du New Jersey

Jack Hughes va subir une opération à l’épaule

Jack Hughes va subir une opération à l’épaule



  1. MartyBro30

    The fact he wasn’t held out since end of February, when the season was over is insane.

  2. pretzelogically

    Was pretty clear the way he fell in that Chicago game that he pulled his shoulder out of the socket after separating it earlier in the year.

  3. RoyalJasper

    Another weird statement like him leaving the all star weekend early.

  4. omnomnomnium

    here’s hoping he comes back stronger.

  5. Redditfront2back

    Plz god don’t let us fuck up this kid

  6. SerPownce

    Hope they give like him like a big jacked arm

  7. TheNightRain68

    With us having a good chance to get eliminated tonight there was no reason to keep playing him. Says he’s expected to be ready for training camp so that’s nice.

  8. eburton555

    Based on this news, is it a reinjury? Did the first surgery not work? Other
    shoulder separate injury?

  9. Grawgar

    I saw this announcement coming. Get better soon, Jack!

  10. trickerindaclub

    There’s pride, and there’s medical ineptitude. I get Jack wanting to play, but if this has been a lingering issue (it has) you need to protect the player from himself.

  11. thedirewolff21

    Fucking knew it. This should have happened months ago

  12. Fine_Discipline_2747

    Hope all goes well and he will come back better than ever and kill it next year!

  13. Anonycron

    Is this the same shoulder he injured early in his career. That might have been collar bone, I forget. But he was checked into the boards and somehow found himself ass over teakettle and landed hard on the shoulder.

    Same one, same side? Anyone know?

  14. dbrink13

    I’m sorry but I’m done with the medical staff. So many head scratching decisions this year. This shits important and if we want these guys to stick around and stay healthy something’s gotta give.

  15. NJDevs30

    This is puzzling. I get wanting to play him when you still have a shot at playoffs, but the season was officially cooked after the 3 straight recent losses to Buffalo, Pittsburgh (this one was really the nail in the coffin) and NYR. Why the fuck was Jack in the last 2 games.

    I just want to be clear about the broader picture and shutting him down even earlier than that. Anyone could’ve told you this team wouldn’t make it that far even if they did manage to barely make it to the playoffs. That’s been 100% clear ever since the stretch where Nico and Jack were hurt at the same time.

    Idk all the details but I hope Fitz didn’t have a major say in all this because he should know better as a former player

  16. PreferenceNo1099

    Kudos to Jack for holding out for so long, really hope all goes well for him

  17. njkid30

    Hey doc feel free to be generous with the titanium

  18. AISwearengen

    It’s pretty clear a lot of you have no idea what these guys play through. It was obviously something that wasn’t made worse by playing, but it would just eventually need repair.

  19. lapelhero

    I think people worried about the medical staff because of Blackwood shouldn’t worry here. If there was any risk to Jack long term he would have been shut down like they did before. He’s the face of the franchise and I don’t think they’d ever be looking to jeopardize him to win some meaningless games. They held him out of practices, had maintenance days and all sorts of stuff in the recent weeks. Hopefully he gets a good rehab and can put these issues behind him

  20. LaHondaSkyline

    Sooooo many here are sure they know everything and Hughes injury and that the Devils are idiots for making/allowing him to play.

    Never imagined that so many here are orthopedic surgeons AND have inside access to the Devils clubhouse….

  21. -PoeticJustice-

    Get better, rest up, come back stronger

  22. Sky-Soldier0430

    Hope he heals and comes back stronger. Jack and Luke need to hit the weights and gain some mass. Jack needs to get jacked.

  23. themapleleaf6ix

    Guy needs to put on some muscle this offseason.

  24. Effective-Bus

    Shoulders aren’t anything to play around with. I hope him playing so much didn’t create undo harm. Especially the last few games when it wasn’t happening despite the team’s delusion.

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