@Red Wings de Détroit

Cette équipe nous tue tous à petit feu

Cette équipe nous tue tous à petit feu



  1. Ph1llyth3gr8

    Starting to feel like the Lions pre 2023

  2. Redwings1023

    But hey some will have you believe they “shit the bed”. Sometimes you just get goalied. It fucking sucks but it happens.

  3. CaptainCastle1

    Blew my mind when ESPN flashed the stat that were about to be in the longest playoff drought in franchise history. The Dead Wings weren’t even that incompetent

  4. xenonwarrior666

    We were definitely the better team and effort wasn’t an issue.

    Hopefully we can take the Pens in regulation. If not it’s pretty much over.

  5. Razzahx

    People just need to wait until its actually over. We could beat the pens and Caps lose. Then you will see everyone say WERE BACK!

  6. paradox-eater

    Scoring with 1.1 seconds left felt like a very personal attack against me

  7. Shotokanguy

    Next time someone sees me being critical and whines about me being negative all the time, keep in mind that I thought this was one of their best games in a while

  8. Helios_One_Two

    Why don’t we just tank, why do we keep having middling seasons which leads to mediocre draft position but also never a really stand out season either

  9. winter_bn

    This is cool and all but you will face goalies like Lindgren in the Playoffs and if you can’t score you won’t make it there

  10. YogurtclosetPrior503

    We should have won that game. With that many shots on goal we should have converted alot more even with ligend( or however you spell his name) on fire like he was. We pretty much out played them. However this is hockey and we all know anything can happen. Look at the Panthers a year or 2 ago. Had one of the best seasons in history and got sweaped first round.


  11. jaredsurreddit

    I’m not saying it’s over because it’s not, but the tale of this season is too many passenger vets at critical stretches of the season. We’ve won games we should’ve lost and lost games we should’ve won (this one takes the cake there). A very good season but man it felt like we could’ve had our cake and eaten it too.

  12. One-Sea-6153

    Yeah unfortunately I was all excited thinking they might actually make the playoffs, but the truth is even if we make the playoffs we won’t make it past the first round.

  13. LittlestEw0k

    We 100% outplayed them. But, as die hard lions fans would know, you can’t beat the refs. It’ll be harder against Cry Baby Crosby (yes he’s GOATd) but we can beat them

  14. birdmanjune

    Red wings fucking suck. Shame on all of us for thinking otherwise. Season is over. Fuck them

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