@Capitals de Washington

Restez dans la chasse ! Grande victoire! Et félicitations à Ovi pour avoir été le premier joueur à réaliser 18 saisons de 30 buts.

Restez dans la chasse ! Grande victoire! Et félicitations à Ovi pour avoir été le premier joueur à réaliser 18 saisons de 30 buts.



  1. Ijustwerkhere

    Oh and by the way, he had 9 goals at the end of January

  2. If he puts together a full season like he’s played in the 2nd half (and basically all of the rest of his career before this season), the record chase is definitely on for next year. Seemed inevitable it would be 2 seasons away (and certainly still could), but he’s pulled it back in range.

    40+ is clearly still attainable for him, and adding 1-2 more before this season is out will mean that’s all he needs next year.

  3. cptngali86

    remember when everyone freaked out that he’d only get like 15 goals? he’s getting the record next year.

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