@Flyers de Philadelphie

4/9 PHI contre MTL Après-match : John Tortorella

Écoutez l’entraîneur-chef des Flyers, John Tortorella, après une défaite de 9-3 contre les Canadiens.


  1. Same thing said over and over, I like Torts but the players get sick of him over time. I believe he won’t be here past next year if that long. Remember, Brier never hired him.

  2. Let me put a question to all.

    Let's say we lucked out in last year's lottery and snagged Bedard. He has what 60 points in 63 games.
    Would Torts leave the kid alone, or would he be busting his chops about checking and blocking shots?

    We all cry about elite talent, but Torts doesn't, nor has he ever HISTORY shows bin able to deal with elite talent on any team he has coached!

    We all say oh we werent suppose to be here well with Torts in year 2 hes normally here cause he starts a ruckus with a big name and everyone else gets scared and says oh shit I better march to his ONE beat!!! (But by year 2, most turn off their radio)

    What dont we all see they are all done with him he has rubbed too many guys the wrong way even if those guy arent the guys that are gonna get it done!
    Google his playoff history !

    Google his powerplay history as head coach!

    Does he normally get alomg with star player so he would see eye 2 eye with Kucherov who has 130 points Nylander in Toronto McDavid that shot blocking checking machine etc.

    This guy is an egotistical arrogant bully who seems to be eating humble pie!!

    Scary part, he seems to have Danny's ear! Staal Johnson Cates was Torts not starting a goalie controversy when Carter was here ?? Who's better, Carter or Ericsson???
    This guy is a repeat offender. This behavior is nothing new he won 20 years ago. When you could take your stick and use it as a pitch fork, he hasnt evolved with the game,

    Do we want this guy arpund Michkov I hear he's as good as Bedard.

    Torts said 3 months ago Cam York doesn't talk to me, and im not sure why?? Brink must think the world of you to along with Farbee and our Captain etc

    What's the 1st thing you do when you go to any pro camp NFL NHL NBA MLS, etc . Fitness testing squats pull-ups bench press lateral jump sprints shit is so innovative that they put you on a cardio machine with a mask over your face to check your pipes and engine!!

    Nope, not Torts he basically tells his strength and conditioning staff to beat it Im gonna bag skate them 2hrs to start camp cause it's something I started in tampa what 20years ago???

    Guys, look at everything. The roster is definitely away from being there, but Torts can't be either!!!

    Check grind check is all he knows or every will do your research!!

  3. Being a Flyers fan from the beginning its hard to watch what is going on right now But you have to stick with your team thru the good and bad times

  4. What an embarrassment!! Choke city!! When it counts, they crash and burn!! If and if they make the playoffs, they will get destroyed in the first round!! No guts!! Jones and Briere have a lot of work to do with this team!! I'm very disappointed!! FORE!! Go watch the Masters!!!!

  5. Think Torts won a lot of support after this presser! His players need this from him, now let’s get back to work!

  6. Something more is going on here… ever since Captain and A staus have been assigned shits gone to the gutters.

  7. He was doing good until the coots benching… once he made that decision the team had enough of his antics and the record speaks for itself! Flyers always gonna flyer 🤷‍♂️

  8. This team is imploding like a group of folks who have QUIT on their coach and his system. Does not bode well.

  9. I think Torts blew it when he benched Coots and called some of the team out saying " he doesn't think they have it in them after they played their asses off for him all season. Id stop blocking shots for him too.

  10. Goes to show it’s a fine line between teams these days, few mistakes and momentum shifts and game over.

  11. Like Torts said, it's a shame to see them going through this and it (potentially) ending this way. I really love this team and group of guys. It's been a good year, no matter what happens.

  12. Errson has no place in the nhl, Fedotov can go back to Russia. The rest of the team is a fking joke. What a embarrassment.

  13. I've never left a Torts interview mad at him or the coaching staff. He keeps it honest and doesn't sugar coat anything.

  14. They had a great season considering their lineup. Their best player is barely a qualified all-star, and they have AHL goaltending. Torts did a magical job getting all he could out of this group. They need an actual sniper and a goalie and it’s a completely different end to the season. Management knows all of this which is why they will not fire the coach until it’s actually his fault they fail.

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