@Sabres de Buffalo

Les pensées des irréductibles qui sont encore là ?

Les pensées des irréductibles qui sont encore là ?



  1. BurgerFeazt

    People say he needs to be more involved, and people say he’s too involved.

  2. The-Pigeon-Man

    Hard to be mad here. He trusts Kevyn and the GMs gamble didn’t pay off in the sense that everyone except Tage and Dahlin would go off. I think being too conservative until the TDL was a bad move. But there is a chance to do something about it this summer

  3. Darthswanny

    Who wrote the article? Was it hack mike Harrington? Well then you should take this with a grain of salt. However I will agree with another person and say start acknowledging the team and its issues stop making others your whipping boy

  4. CaresAboutYou

    on one hand i sort of understand the sentiment, but on the other, like, what do we want Terry to say? are we concerned that he secretly likes seeing his team lose and need to hear him say out loud that he prefers for the team to win? i have always assumed Terry wants the team to win and is just not very good at being an owner so far, so are we just trying to get him in front of a microphone so that we can shame him for being not very good at being an owner? not sure what that accomplishes

    the only semi-interesting thing he knows that we don’t is if there are private financial constraints limiting things like retaining salary or firing coaches while they have extensions, and it’s 0% chance he’d discuss that sort of thing at a presser, so idgaf whether he talks about the team. pretending like getting him to stand at a podium and say « yes the sabres are still bad, it’s true » is any sort of « accountability » is laughable. journalists overrate their impact here.

  5. Spiritual_Bourbon

    Is this a picture of the printed BN? I don’t think I have ever seen that done for a current content on Reddit. That’s pretty funny.

  6. Old quote. And still true. Sad for Sabres’ fans.

  7. I cant help but believe he himself is what caused everything that happened to the sabres. I can’t fathom any other reason besides him meddling and ruining teams that were built to compete. He hires yes men and removes anyone who is against his ideas.

  8. reddishgrape

    Terry is a mush mouth hillbilly. The kids scare me.

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