@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Le propriétaire des Coyotes rencontrera le maire de Phoenix : ce que nous savons de la relocalisation des Coyotes de l’Arizona

https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/nhl/coyotes/2024/04/13/potential-arizona-coyotes-relocation-heres-what-we-know/73312983007/ « Mais samedi, le maire de Phoenix Le bureau a publié deux lettres envoyées par les Coyotes, l’une du 10 avril demandant une réunion avec le maire au sujet d’un projet d’arène et de quartier de divertissement dans le nord-est de Phoenix. Cela soulève des spéculations supplémentaires sur la question de savoir si, si la franchise actuelle déménage, l’Arizona pourrait obtenir une nouvelle. équipe à l’avenir. » « Le président des Coyotes, Alex Meruelo, a une réunion prévue avec la maire de Phoenix, Kate Gallego, plus tard ce mois-ci, selon Arielle Devorah, porte-parole de Gallego. »



  1. DesertYinzer

    Why the fuck would anyone believe a word he says

  2. ajonesaz

    Who sends letters in the mail? Did he try email or calling 😅

  3. powergate92

    « The April 5 letter also shows a hiccup in communication. Meruelo wrote he had been trying to set up a meeting with Gallego for three weeks, to no avail, and was « deeply disappointed. »

    « The tone changed in the April 10 letter, which praised Gallego’s « incredible leadership. »

    « Devorah said the mayor’s office had not received any meeting requests before to Meruelo’s first letter but reached out after receiving it to set up the meeting. »

  4. SexyWampa

    I wonder if the league has also been getting blown off by the mayor. That would explain pulling the plug.

  5. JillieBeanIsUrLover

    Sincerely what am I even suppose to take away from this?

  6. LoneWolfComando

    If he actually makes it happen I’d rather have a team here than not have a team here, but to say I’m not holding my breath would be a massive understatement.

  7. Shadow88882

    I dont see the point in needing the Mayor’s help. She doesn’t do anything to benefit the city. I would instead point out this district could fund the police and fire departments since they are both severely understaffed.

  8. Bingbong2774

    Too dumb didn’t read. Someone explain this to me like i’m 5

  9. puckluck69


    Love when the wealthy and powerful start metaphorically pointing the finger at each other after shit metaphorically hits the fan.

  10. PorcelainTorpedo

    This whole thing just gets crazier seemingly by the minute. Some day, either way this goes and it may take 20 years, we will all be excited to hear the full story about what’s going on behind the scenes.

    As incompetent as this ownership has seemed, it makes no sense to me that he would send a second letter to the mayor just three days ago if this is going down the way it’s being reported. Not necessarily questioning the reports because of it, but I really don’t know what to think. It’s pretty clear what the league wants to happen, and I guess it lends credence to the idea of near-term expansion, but it also gives the notion that he’s going kicking and screaming in a last-ditch effort to prevent the league from essentially forcing him to sell.

    What do I know, I’m all the way in Cincinnati (but with you guys in spirit). Maybe it all makes more sense to those of you who are closer.

  11. XeroKillswitch

    The 30 for 30 on this is going to be revealing.

    “Ice hockey in the desert wasn’t supposed to melt this quickly. But in 2024, the Arizona Coyotes and the city of Phoenix came to an impasse. Unfortunately for the Coyotes, Phoenix was as elusive as the metaphorical roadrunner from the cartoons. In this episode of 30 for 30, we’ll explore the multitude of reasons the Coyotes flamed out in Phoenix.”

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