@Flyers de Philadelphie

Un aperçu actualisé des scénarios des séries éliminatoires des Flyers

Les Flyers auront besoin d’une défaite réglementaire à Détroit et d’une défaite réglementaire à Pittsburgh pour avoir une chance, les deux équipes joueront lundi. S’ils perdent tous les deux lundi, les Flyers contrôleront leur propre destin pour les séries éliminatoires (le match contre Washington lundi déterminera si nous avons besoin d’une victoire réglementaire ou non). Si Detroit ou Pitt obtiennent un ou deux points lundi, les Flyers surveilleront le tableau de bord mardi en plus d’avoir besoin d’une victoire (potentiellement réglementaire).



  1. TrustTheFriendship

    *Pepe Silvia has entered the chat*

  2. SerbianSlayer

    Detroit ends their season with back-to-back games, both against Montreal? Who designed this schedule


    What if DET and WAS both have two OTL?

    Edit: DET, not PIT.

  4. thisappsux24

    *bullet point 4* get rid of Rocky Thompson. And get a new special teams coach who understands how the power play works in this century

  5. We make the playoffs if we beat Washington in regulation + Pittsburgh/Detroit each get no more than 2 points in their last two games.

    Pitt plays Nashville and NYI. Detroit plays Montreal 2x.

  6. BrinkOfFTP

    I hate myself for having nothing but grammar and punctuation questions.

    Starting with: 1. why is regulation capitalized in the middle of a sentence. 2. why is regulation not always capitalized in the middle of a sentence

  7. donle215

    If I’m understanding this right, the Flyers-Caps game could be a win and in game for both teams. In that case, if the Flyers win, it’s the 5th tiebreaker (goal differential) that wins it for us, correct? Good thing we’re only a -25 goal differential.

  8. luckytaurus

    Wait but Detroit has us beat in a tiebreaker no? So if they win at least 1 of their last 2 games we’re out. Same goes for Washington, if they beat Boston Monday we’re out. I think we lose every tiebreaker. Pretty sure the teams fighting for this last spot just need to lose every single game remaining AND we need to win our last game in order to make the playoffs.

    I dunno about you but I’m ready to call it. No way of 6 remaining games amongst the 3 of them they all go 0-6.

  9. chilidownmychest

    i hate how possible this is. not saying PROBABLE but very very possible. i’m here hopin they get in but what the fuck.

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