@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Opération Snowstorm Engage.

Opération Snowstorm Engage.



  1. hodl256

    Would be cool if Edmonton fans got behind us and joined in to support the cause

  2. sillysquidtv

    The local fans should get behind it. They are losing a place to watch their team without traveling. And if anyone starts anything use this to put it into perspective for them. Don’t fight other fans, save it for Murello.

  3. TathanOTS

    This won’t work. A large portion of the tickets were bought months ago by elderly Albertans. They don’t use social media. Probably won’t know how to turn the thing on.

    I went to a game against the Oilers last year in mullet. The number of gray or bald heads to non old heads was about the ratio of Gretzky Jerseys to McDavid ones. Around 10 to 1.

    It’s too short notice and you don’t have their land line phone numbers.


    For those who will be outside the arena, would they put the game on the screen outside on the arena?

  5. CtPa_Town

    I have every color jersey except white, so I was hoping to buy one at the arena. Hopefully they aren’t sold out when I get there


    And we will be shouting “still there” during the anthem

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