@Wild du Minnesota

Que fera le Wild de sa situation de gardien de but ?

En ce moment, nous avons trois gardiens en rotation, notre meilleur gardien [Marc-Andre Fleury](https://www.nhl.com/player/marc-andre-fleury-8470594) est terminé et il est vieux, Fleury a dit qu’il pourrait revenir un an de plus parce qu’il a « redécouvert la joie de jouer au hockey « . Ensuite, nous avons Filip Gustavsson. Pour être honnête, Gustavsson n’a rien de particulièrement spécial. Il est assez fiable pour quelques matchs, mais à mon avis, il ne suffit pas en tant que gardien de but en séries éliminatoires. Ensuite, il y a le rookie russe Jesper Wallstedt qui a montré du potentiel lors des quelques matchs qu’il a disputés. Si Flurey décide de rester, il exercerait une grande influence sur Wall. Devrions-nous échanger Guss pour essayer de progresser dans le repêchage ? Est-ce qu’il nous apporterait même quelque chose ? Quelle est la meilleure décision des Wilds pour le gardien de but ? Fleury reviendra-t-il pour une autre saison ? Fleury accepterait-il une réduction de salaire pour aider à respecter le plafond salarial du Wild ?



  1. Empire2k5

    Well if Fleury does come back, gotta trade Gus then. I believe it’s time for wally to get full NHL time. I’m not sure if it’s the new baby or not that made for Gus’s pretty mediocre season.

  2. paultheschmoop

    Fleury is indeed our best goalie currently, but if all things were equal I don’t think the gap between him and Gus is enough to keep him over Gus, since MAF is almost assuredly a 1 year patch whereas Gus could (ideally) have 10 years of average/above average goalie play left in him, which would be great for a 1B/2 goalie behind Wallstedt

    However, all things aren’t equal. The reality is if MAF wants to keep playing (which he seems to want to do), he will be welcomed back with open arms and thus either Wallstedt has to cook for another year or Gus gets traded.

    If the idea is to have Wallstedt be our number 1 goalie in 2026 when we’re out of cap hell, I’d rather him take his lumps next year and develop his game through playtime in the big leagues.

    So I guess Gus is the odd man out

  3. Panarin10

    There aren’t big expectations for next season so I’d like to see Gus Wally as the tandem.

  4. Superarces

    There’s 4 real options:

    A) Let Fleury retire. Gus starter Wallstedt (Swedish) backup.

    B) Re-sign Fleury, keep Gus, have Wallstedt (Swedish) in Iowa another year

    C) Re-sign Fleury, keep Gus and Wallstedt (Swedish) in Minnesota and run 3 goalies in hopes that *one* of them figures out how to stop a puck. This is my preferred option.

    D) Re-sign Fleury, trade Gus, have Wallstedt (Swedish) be the backup. This is the most likely and IMO worst option of the bunch.

  5. vedicardi_lives

    resign fleury on the cheap. Gus deserves another chance. give wall AHL time until we are sure he’s ready. I suppose if he is though, and I don’t think he is but I’m not an expert, then sure, get rid of gus.

  6. ShepherdOfNone

    Fleury/Wallstedt does sound nice for next year, but honestly I don’t want Fleury or a new goalie for 2025/2026. I’d much rather have Gus for our first year back from poverty.

  7. Starits

    I dunno but the « he’s swedish » thing is weird AF.

    Yeah, we know

    We know. It’s not new and you sound like fucking idiots when you mention it.

  8. KingWolfsburg

    Resign Fleury, see how Wallstedt plays in camp, if he’s ready trade Gus. If not ride Fluery/Gus and then trade Gus at deadline and bring up Wall for the rest if the year

  9. DirtzMaGertz

    I’d like to see Wallstedt and Gus personally. 

    I think Wallstedt is at a point where he needs to be getting some NHL games, and while I think it sounds good on paper to have Fleury mentor Wallstedt, I just don’t see how you can go into the season next year expecting Fleury at that age to carry the load while you ease the rookie in. 

    Unless they are considering going a bit unorthodox and carrying 3 goalies at times which I could be convinced of. 

  10. MinnNiceEnough

    MAF for one more year, trade Gus, Wally rotates with MAF. From there, MAF goes Tom Brady and retires, returns, then retires again. As long as he bring us into the playoffs, I don’t care about his age.

  11. ImCuriousYouSee

    I think jumping to trade gus is an overreaction IMO. Dude was extremely solid last season. Just having a slump season is all. If he shits the bed next season then trade him before the deadline.

  12. dakralter

    Gus was bad this year. I don’t see anyone trading for him, at least anything of value. At best we give him away for « future considerations » but it’s very possible we’d have to attach a mid round pick to get a team to take him. So unless we desperately want to gain that cap space to get a middle 6 forward or something it’s probably best to just bring him back and hope he recaptures that magic from last season.

    With that being said, if Flower decides to retire we absolutely cannot go into next season with a Gus/Wallstedt tandem. So I do think if he hangs them up Billy G might try to give Gus away to open up cap space to bring in a more proven veteran UFA goalie to pair with Wallstedt.

    So IMO the best scenario is we bring Flower back for 1 more season. I know his stats don’t look the greatest but he still passes the eye test out there. But he’s also 40 so we probably can’t rely on him to be a 50-60 game starter. Ideally we run Flower-Gus as the main combo and start Wallstedt in Iowa. As long as he’s not waiver eligible we should bring him up for a few games here and there throughout the year and look to get him about 20 NHL games. Flower and Gus can split the remaining 62 (probably plan on an 60-40 split in favor of Fleury but if Gus starts playing well again it can be more 50-50). This scenario doesn’t overwork Fleury, gives Gus a chance at redemption, and allows Wallstedt to get NHL experience while also still developing his game in the AHL.

  13. DcdytRf

    Do what you thinks best, we trust your judgement.

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