@Blackhawks de Chicago

L’interview de sortie de Seth Jones froisse les fans dans le mauvais sens

Je comprends que ce qu’il dit est objectivement vrai, surtout après une si mauvaise saison, mais j’ai l’impression que tout ce que nous avons reçu de Jones lors de ses apparitions dans les médias, ce sont des plaintes sur l’état de l’équipe. Je ne sais pas vraiment ce qu’il pensait en pensant que cette équipe ne se dirigeait pas vers une inévitable reconstruction au moment où il a signé son contrat. Ce type de commentaires ne fait rien pour le faire aimer d’une base de fans qu’il a déjà eu du mal à conquérir. Et il veut porter le C ? Il n’a absolument rien fait pour prouver qu’il le mérite. C’est un honneur de porter le C, surtout après quelqu’un d’aussi respecté que Toews. Je commence à espérer qu’il envisage de renoncer à son NMC… il ne veut clairement pas être ici et nous n’avons pas besoin de ce type d’énergie dans un vestiaire de jeunes essayant de développer une alchimie et une mentalité de gagnant. Comme Foligno l’a montré, il est possible de faire preuve de positivité, même au milieu d’une saison perdante, tout en indiquant clairement que vous voulez faire mieux et attendre plus de vous-même et de vos coéquipiers. Jones n’a rien fait pour montrer qu’il est un fier Blackhawk, à part encaisser son salaire gonflé chaque saison.



  1. LearningToFlyForFree

    Okay bud, then waive your NTC and fuck off somewhere else. At least then I won’t have to listen to CHGO jerk you off every post game stream.

  2. I mean, he’s not my favorite by any means, but at least he was honest and not blowing smoke.

  3. CoalTrain9224

    Feelings mutual Jones, we don’t want you around for the rebuild either. CHGO tries to gaslight everyone into thinking he’s this teams best D man on the team based on everything but the simple eyeball test. Every shot he misses the net 5 feet wide of on the PP, every refusal to pass to Bedard, every defensive lapse because he thinks he’s a forward and gets caught behind the net in the opposing teams zone leading to a 2 on 1 for Vlasic.

    Waive your NTC and GTFO

  4. IdelucaAlex

    maybe I’m biased as a fan of him, but i understand why he feels this way, Bowman thought after the covid year this team could make the playoffs consistently but obviously that failed

    I just don’t know if he should be saying it publicly but at least he’s honest

  5. CantankerousButtocks


  6. Grrrrrrrt420

    He never takes accountability in his statements seems to put most of the blame on the team most of the Time while excluding himself. I’ve noticed this a lot this year

  7. Raseraiden

    I just don’t understand why some of y’all are acting like he told us and the team to go fuck ourselves lol. Jones wanted to leave a rebuilding team, Bowman convinced him that the Hawks could retool and be fine and gave him a massive contract offer he couldn’t refuse. He’s allowed to be frustrated that he got suckered into signing on for another rebuild in the middle of his prime long term just as much as we’re allowed to be annoyed at the price and term of his contract

  8. Are the CHGO paid for by the hawks all they talk about is Kane never coming back. Jones being a god. And Davidson being a galaxy brain.

  9. dangshnizzle

    Lol he signed long term sold on the idea that he’d be competing then whiplash and suddenly he’s at the start of a five year rebuild

  10. drdeadpol

    I just want Jones gone. Waive the NTC and let him go to a team that makes the playoffs. Him and Nurse both overpaid and are no longer no.1 d-men. If we don’t get Cellibrini, I hope we draft Levsunov.

  11. Hutch25

    It is literally your fault this happened Seth. You took money you knew you couldn’t play up to and the team was forced into a full tear down.

    So suck a dick, I hope they trade you to someone else prior to this team being playoff ready so you don’t win anything.

    I mean, I get being upset. But when it’s partly your fault you don’t get to complain.

  12. Grrrrrrrt420

    That Seth jones contract is abysmal. Bowman gave him a contract as if he were Cale makar or Roman josi. And even accommodated for him w the ntc smh

  13. Moist-muff

    Seth is getting paid very well for what he brings to the table. He signed knowing at what state the team was heading yet still signed. So, STFU mentor and do your job.

  14. blazer026

    I guess I don’t see what he said that was so bad. Didn’t expect a full rebuild incoming, (don’t think anyone did) and wants to Hawks to be winners

  15. Grrrrrrrt420

    I hate seeing Seth go out of his way to not pass to a open bedard and either take a shit shot or make a risky pass to another player who’s covered. U have one fucking job and aren’t even doing it

  16. RyanO2525

    To everyone saying he should waive the no trade clause, find a team willing to trade for that caphit. Hawks would have the retain half of it for 6 more years.

  17. AARM2000

    I appreciate honesty. The past few seasons have been bad, People want to play for good teams. And even if he wants to waive the NMC, who wants that contract??

  18. sonicsean899

    Honestly if we do have a Captain next year, the only guys on this roster I would consider are Bedard and Foligno.

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