J’ai parcouru le sous-marin et je ne l’ai pas encore vu publié ailleurs. Toutes mes excuses si je l’ai raté. Cet article est incroyable. 🤣👏 Pas seulement parce que c’est légèrement complaisant (M’EN FAIS, JE LE MANGE !) mais certains des one liners sont absolument stellaires. Je sais que Jack Todd peut être polarisant, mais celui-ci entre dans la colonne W pour moi 🤣🤣🤣
The article is pure hype and it doesn’t really pretend to be anything else. Fun read
Comment battle under the article was fun too! People sure take « comment warrier » seriously, don’t they??? 😜
I’m with him on the Lane Hutson hype. I think he’s in the lineup on opening night and stays with the team all season.
This is how I like to enjoy my Habs. If you can’t be romantic about your team, why are you even into this sport?
*Here is a complete list of the significant blunders Gorton and Hughes have made in more than two years on the job: None.*
Those draft lottery odds are as incomprehensible as a sanskrit translation of Finnigan’s Wake 😂
Apparently Finnigan’s Wake is notorious for being one of the hardest novels to read
Jack Todd is a treasure, protect him at all cost
Todd is an asshole, even when I agree with him.
This comment section has blessedly upheld my claim re: polarizing 🤣