@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Bonne journée de match à tous !

Bonne journée de match à tous !



  1. ZorroMcChucknorris

    Cary is in flames over this post.

  2. notyomamasusername

    You know…. I think I’d prefer Caps over Rags in Rd2

  3. denvercaniac

    Go to hell, New York, go to hell! *clap, clap*

  4. My3rdReddit

    My best friend is Rangers fan and my sister works at MSG, the enemy surrounds me, I call for reinforcements!

  5. denvercaniac

    I really want to puke after rooting for the crapitals and the laughs, but here we are.

  6. denvercaniac

    The Smurfs are besmirched and repulsed by the knowledge that the Douchies wear blue. Win for Papa Smurf, craps!

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