@Avalanche du Colorado

J’ai dépensé 27 $ pour une boîte de céréales périmées parce qu’il y a une photo de Nathan MacKinnon dessus.

J’ai dépensé 27 $ pour une boîte de céréales périmées parce qu’il y a une photo de Nathan MacKinnon dessus.



  1. lynnpiexoxo

    He looks so young. When did it expire? 😂

  2. Little-Nikas

    I bought them 3 years ago when king soopers had them and again when they had them on clearance for like, $1 per box.

    I ate some each pregame for the 20/21 season. I ran out 2nd to last playoff game.

    I know, I know, it’s my fault we lost.

    Next year I moved to New Orleans and we won the cup.

  3. EggplantAlpinism

    Sick Lego. I have both of those.

  4. GuvnaBruce

    It definitely tastes like frosted flakes. My friend bought one when they came out and we decided to eat it for science.

  5. TheCodr

    I bought it at Soopers. It’s frosted flakes. I don’t think MacKinnon eats Frosted Flakes.

    Ate it all, kept the box

  6. Wonderful-Patient732

    Money well spent if you ask me

  7. DevourerJay

    He looks so young and not angry… who tf is that?? 🤣😅

  8. UndisclosedLocation5

    I think it only has an expiry date as a formality, you can still eat that crap. It’s cereal, after all 

  9. jbone9877

    lol I have had three of these in my pantry next to a signed box of Terrell Davis cereal

  10. RealRaschuoir

    I feel like you should have spent $2 more.

  11. beerbeatsbear

    I’ve watched enough LA beast to know there’s no such thing as too expired

  12. realRavenbell

    I bought 2 boxes when they were at Soopers. One to eat, one to keep.

  13. Icy-Golf2896

    Second round gonna get crunchy for sure

  14. Desperate_Pizza700

    Could have sworn cereal posts are against sub rules

  15. Red_Sea_Pedestrian

    I traded a box of Ovi O’s to someone on the subreddit for a box of MacKinnon Krunch.

  16. Visual-Floor-7839

    Yeah paid 27 for that?

    He’ll yeah bro! I’ve still got 2 unopened, I’ll give it another couple of years and try for 30

  17. SomeDudeinCO3

    TIL I could get $27 for each of my boxes. I have three. Unopened. 

  18. i-might-do-that

    I feel like this would be something that would be on sale in the trailer park on TPB

  19. WhatThePuck9

    It’s probably still fine to eat it though.

  20. Practical_Weird_0809

    I got you beat. I have two boxes upstairs (sealed, thank god) of Avalanche cereal from 2002/2003. I’m scared to even touch them at this point ha ha

  21. Its_A_Samsquatch

    He looks like smiling is against his religion

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