@Sabres de Buffalo

Le gars du hockey – sur les Sabres

[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtrKrmPJNSg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtrKrmPJNSg) Je ne lui attribuerais pas un Oscar – mais quelques points intéressants. Il ne s’engagera pas à monter dans le wagon des Sabres.



  1. scaredwhiteboy1

    The future is bright in Buffalo 🥱

  2. DeFlippo

    Shout out to The Hockey Guy. He puts out so much awesome content. One of those creators that you can just tell how much he loves what he does

  3. Spiritual_Bourbon

    Don’t agree with his take on needing to bring in help on the blue line next season. Adams stacked the deck with contracts and Buffalo has $30.8M on the books. Especially with the extension for Byram « on the clock » once this season ends. Bringing a vet in would make this position group too expensive unless cost was moved out and that’s going to be difficult. He glossed over the Levi situation quite a bit. He showed just his NHL numbers but didn’t speak to his AHL numbers, which I feel matter a lot. I know a lot of fans want Levi to be in Rochester another year but I just don’t see it. Especially if he keeps up the pace he has in the playoffs.

    My take is Ruff/Adams need to spend almost all efforts this summer on rebuilding the bottom-6 from the ground up. Add that to the top of the forward group and anticipated improvements with the defense based on a better system and coaching + improved goaltending from UPL+Levi and you have the mix for next season.

  4. YautjaProtect

    I love Shannon he’s a great hockey fan.

  5. DarkLobster69

    I don’t blame him at all for not getting on the wagon. He was a huge supporter of the team 2 years ago, and when we were looking poised to make noise this year. The constant disappointment and regression got to him, and I don’t blame him, considering it also got to about half of this sub.

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