@Ducks d'Anaheim

The Hockey News – Anaheim Ducks : Sac postal de fin de saison

Derek et Patrick répondent aux questions que vous avez soumises en ligne sur les Ducks d’Anaheim ! Toutes les questions restées sans réponse seront abordées dans un document écrit prochainement.


  1. Great stuff guys, thanks for doing this! We're a fanbase starved for content about our team, so you two are lifesavers. Keep up the great work.

  2. Great content Derek and Patrick! The Ducks community has long been needing voices/journalists like you guys

  3. I saw the big bad ducts when the cup in 07 lately they look nothing like that team over the last three to five to six seven years they have sucked bad get rid of Fowler immediately get rid of zegras immediately! Its called addition by subtraction

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