@Avalanche du Colorado

[PPGT] Après Ski | Avs @ Stars | The Game 2 Edition

3 prochains matchs ; SAM 11 MAI 20 h 00 H À déterminer H À déterminer A Faits saillants ; https://youtu.be/s716PV7QUZ0?si=GPpuAXY_ZKyYJbRQ



  1. Extreme_Breakfast672

    I didn’t watch the third–did Cale get hurt?

  2. Shaneisonfire

    Not playing for 40 minutes and taking bad penalties like delay of games and too many men plus allowing a shorty is a recipe for disaster. Hate that guys who were cold like Seguin & Hintz got going

  3. BlockChainBrah

    If offsides was called correctly at 3:24 there’s no penalty, meaning no third goal. This game would have gone to the avs without that blow

  4. 13ananaMan

    Quick turnaround. Does anyone know why they play G3 tomorrow and not Sunday? Thought there was usually a two day break after the first two games were played

  5. gordogg24p

    No more of these slow starts. Georgie is locked in, and we’re back on home ice. Play like you give a fuck from the first face-off.

  6. Cool that the team can climb back no matter what but spotting them these multigoal leads has got to stop.

  7. Saltyspiton

    Ya know when I was doing my playoff superstitions before the game I got a weird feeling and just knew it wasn’t going to be their game. Sucks they only showed up for 20 minutes. But Dallas should be scared that the Avs don’t even need a full 60 minutes and could win. It would be nice if they played a full 60, but splitting the series 1-1 heading home is what you want

  8. I fell asleep in the second and woke up at 3:30 this morning on the couch. Primary on call weeks suck in IT world.

  9. Avs vs Stars:

    Team that can’t grab a lead vs team that can’t maintain one.

  10. GLaD0S11

    It was nice to see the effort in the 3rd, but the vast majority of that game was just nowhere near where we need to be right now.

    Dallas can fuck right but if were being honest, they’re actually really, really good and play a style of game that gives us all sorts of trouble. We need to play our best. I mean, cmon guys 2 delay of games, 2 too many men penalties, letting them cherry pick for 2 periods….that’s like beer league stuff.

    Still though, 1-1 split away from home and Georgie is playing pretty well at the moment. I’m happy with where we are.

  11. Thrasher52

    Going to be a tough series and even with how good we are at home they are actually REALLY good on the road, they outplayed us in our barn and split the series in Colorado during the year. I expect a much better effort in front of the home crowd and am looking forward to a really tough series with two good teams, Drouin coming back would also be awesome to improve our depth, but the biggest thing is staying out of the box and improving our compete level, if we skate they can’t keep up but if the effort isn’t there they have the cycle game and size to dominate possession.

  12. Buzzsaw_Dynamo

    If the first line can show up or the boys play a full 60, Avs take it. Hope they come out flying at home.

  13. gallapagos42

    First two periods reminded me a lot of the Round 2 game 2 against st Louis in 2022 (lot of 2s). Super flat and not hitting the extra gear especially in the D zone. Severe lack of puck pressure on defense, especially the top line. They seemd so disinterested. If they coast in the D zone with the Dallas fourth line anymore I might lose it

  14. CarelessLevel6502

    The comeback was great but we were too sloppy for most of the game – penalties, passing, positioning.

    Mack was oddly subdued. Rants was in and out. Val aside, the top 2 lines were a bit flat.

    Having said that, a response to Benn is required. Tone setting as well as removing any sense that we’re soft and will take s*it.

  15. CarelessLevel6502

    Also, despite everything, returning home from the Western Conference’s top seed with a split is extremely encouraging.

    Can’t lose sight of that.

  16. farmerjohnington

    I hate to say it, but games like this are where not having a clear Captain on the ice like Landy is a net negative.

    Landy woulda whooped Benn’s ass after that dirty hit.

  17. Dr-Wankenstein

    We all knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But splitting the series at home isn’t awful. What was awful was the complete lack of effort/compete through the first 40. There’s some positives to build off of and that’s « if you go to work, you’ll get rewarded. » Dallas has to be nervous because they didn’t beat us, we beat ourselves. And when the team decided to work they came storming back.

    Stay outta the box
    Keep it simple stupid
    Take away as AJ said « rantanen’s blankie »no more top line Mikko until he decides to work and show up.
    Play a full 60.

    What I didn’t like was the complete lack of response to the benn hit on tazer. How that isn’t a penalty is beyond me. It was high, he left his feet and ok yeah it was shoulder initially, but you can’t hit guys in the head. That’s the one call I didn’t like. Regardless of the fact that they were complete trash lady night.

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