@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Rangers de New York contre les Hurricanes de la Caroline, match 6 – WFAN Daily Live

Moins de trois minutes à jouer dans le règlement du sixième match. Chris Kreider marque trois buts consécutifs pour donner aux Rangers une avance de 4-3. Peuvent-ils empêcher les Cane de régler ça tard et de mettre fin à la série ??? Aimez, suivez, ajoutez aux favoris ou abonnez-vous à WFAN Daily ici : https://link.chtbl.com/WFANDailyYT


  1. I saw a Rangers epic implosion developing before my eyes….. and Chris Kreider changed history…..thank you buddy!!!!!!

  2. Kreider is our true captain I don’t know why they didn’t make him that instead of Trouba.

  3. Yeah baby!!! What a comeback, what a game by Igor, he deserved that series win so much. He was clutch and so was Kreider big time, and Trochek

  4. I was so mad that after the canes scored 3 goals I went to lay down, I woke up and saw the score and I was mad then at the Sametime I was happy as a pig in sh*t, man kreider is a beast and I'm glad he's on our team LET'S GO RANGERS BABY.

  5. I was so mad that after the canes scored 3 goals I went to lay down, I woke up and saw the score and I was mad then at the Sametime I was happy as a pig in sh*t, man kreider is a beast and I'm glad he's on our team LET'S GO RANGERS BABY.

  6. The odds makers took a beating and I'm glad they did, that will teach you to never bet against the Rangers again you assholes.

  7. The odds makers took a beating and I'm glad they did, that will teach you to never bet against the Rangers again you assho*es.

  8. Kreider took it upon himself to take over the entire game & pull a Messier.. Kreider will go down in Ranger history for this epic game he has played! Well done sir, now rub off that juju onto Panarin, Mika & the rest of the team!!!

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