@Flames de Calgary

Dennis Wideman, n° 6 des Flames de Calgary de la LNH, a touché 500 000 $ à l’arbitre n° 91, Don Henderson, le 27 janvier 2016.

Sa réponse : http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/dennis-wideman-on-linesman-hit-i-couldnt-avoid-it/ NHL Dennis Wideman 20 matchs de suspension le 2 février 2015 HD : https : //www.youtube.com/watch?v=b68St5DGjiY&feature=youtu.be Amende de 500 000 $ !


  1. Preds should of attacked Wideman right after. Calls would of gone their way for the next 10 seasons. Refs would remember that.

  2. Take that A off his chest. That's not what an assistant captain does. That's a coward to hit the linesman with no pads.

  3. nah I've done this exact same thing before, after a big hit like that especially to the head you can see through things or you aren't thing correctly yeah it looked like he plowed through the guy but I can see how he was just trying to get to the bench

  4. The referee is an ass also. He filed lawsuits of 10 million, and you clearly see that he's fine at the next faceoff.

  5. That was intentional. He moved towards the ref when he was heading towards the bench. Can't mistake that for an accident. Even afterwards Weidman wasn't even concerned over what happened.

  6. this effectively ended widemans career. Nobody wants to have a guy on the roster that all refs will have a sub-concious bias against. Plus his decision to attack officials can reflect poorly to any team that hires him (not that im blaming the flames) im sure many where very repulsed by this ordeal.

  7. He hasn't played on an NHL team since. He's now an assistant coach for an OHL team kitchener rangers because no one wants him on their team. This 5 second loss of temper ruined his career.

  8. Hope the linesman wins the lawsuit….gutless hit by a Elmira plug with a big ego

  9. i think the flames hockey channel, never wants to report anything that put the team in a negative light.

  10. Too many things make it evident that it was not an accident..
    Anyways he even tried banging his stick while (most likely) shouting to get the refs attention, ref didn't turn.. then he plowed through him..

  11. Not even an ounce of remorse shown, as if nothing happened, skates back to the bench lol

  12. $500,000 Hit? The ref lost the lawsuit and Wideman ended up being compensated for his lost games.

  13. i thought the linemen were part of the rink????? when they dont pay attention and stop or redirect the puck there is no penalty or drop of the puck. so why did he get fined/suspended for running into a PART OF THE RINK????????

  14. ‘Didnt see the ref’….’Wideman was obviously woosie’
    … gtfoh are you serious w that nonsense? Common boys!
    Disgraceful hit – and a coward, p*ssyb*tch move!

  15. The fact that wideman doesn’t even check up on the fallen ref after he checks him, says it all

  16. I don’t think he’s completely to blame since he clearly wasn’t completely there after the first hit

  17. Ya'll are dumb. He was gonna go inside of the referee, thinking the ref was gonna stay far enough away from the boards, then when the ref makes a last minute move inside, you see him try to avoid him on the outside and it looks like he intentionally hits him. Same thing with the guy who looked like he nailed the catcher on purpose in the MLB. When you think one thing is going to happen and last second you realize it's not it will definitely look like it's on purpose, but it's not.

  18. Some bushleague BS right there. Big baby man angry, so big baby man push defenseless lineman down. Big baby man feel like big guy man! He did that rashly, only afterwords he realized how screwed he was. Cameras bro, welcome to the modern world we live in. Lol.

  19. That ref sued wideman for 10 million… when he was clearly fine after. Just a bit bruised

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