@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Six points en quatre matchs. Martin Necas est absolument en train de le tuer aux Mondiaux.

Six points en quatre matchs. Martin Necas est absolument en train de le tuer aux Mondiaux.



  1. zero_lungs

    So is it now fair to say we’ve been mismanaging this guy?

  2. Cylinsier

    Making the case for the system holding him back, even if Worlds are a completely different context than the NHL. Going to be bittersweet to see him go, he’ll skyrocket to first place on my list of favorite former Canes. That’s why, as much as I agree with the argument that he just doesn’t fit in our system, I would be happy if he stayed somehow, as long as it isn’t at the expense of keeping Jake or Seth.

  3. notyomamasusername

    It’s bittersweet.

    He’s going to shine outside of the Canes’ system and I’m going to miss him like hell.

    Addendum for no reason: Fuck Gudas

  4. BigVuVu

    watch him hitting 100 points in a season after he’s traded

  5. ExtremepcVA

    I actually think we did the least amount of holding him back this year. Him being creative on a line with Kuzy towards the end of the season was fun to watch. I think Rod actually bent his system more this year than he has in years past and the results really showed (positively imo).

  6. syd_cash

    Love to see it honestly. Pay this man keep him here.

  7. H_Man247

    If only he could ever do that for us in the playoffs

  8. Like17Badgers

    lets not also forget this is Worlds and not an established defensive core of 6 NHL caliber players that have lots of practice together.

    of course the guy who can style through 4 people is gonna have a field day when he only ever has to beat 2

  9. He’s thriving on the larger international ice rink playing against lesser talent. It should be no surprise this was going to happen, when he has space he’s amazing. His biggest problem is that when opposing teams tighten up on defense and take away time and space from him, he has never shown an ability to adjust.

    We are not mismanaging him. We are not using him wrong. He’s just a player that has not really adjusted well to the North American game. 3v3 when there is ample space, he can play free wheeling like he does in international play, but on the smaller rinks against the best in the world, he routinely skates himself into trouble.

    I’m happy to see him exploding in this tournament. Will only increase his trade value.

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