@Canadiens de Montréal

Le troisième tour de la LNH a déjà été INSANE

Parlons du deuxième match de la série New York Rangers vs Florida Panthers ! Tout cela et bien plus encore dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. Ngl I’d love to see how remps would play on the first or second line, no idea where given how perfect they are, but I think it would be interesting to see how he’d work with those players

  2. If a dude is leading with his shoulder going for a nice, normal, good clean check. What's he supposed to do if the guy he's going to hit is reaching for the puck or just shorter? does he have to try and crouch down lower? or do some mystical magician maneuver to teleport away?

  3. Same here, I almost changed the channel. I had my hand on the remote in case they lost. Couldn’t bear looking at it.

  4. REMPE! REMOE! REMPE! Added the emotion, excitement and spice just skating onto the ice! IDC about the jealous haters, Rangers will win with him playing. Weird, fun fact! 🧐

  5. Literally a high stick in the neutral zone on the rangers game winning shot. Refs need to stop giving controversial calls so they can actually officiate

  6. 1:15 “If Rempe had done this …”. Rempe did do this to the Van Reimsdyk and got called the exact same. Kind of sounds bias to complain they would call Rempe different when they literally didn’t.

  7. Tbh, the refs don't want to call any penalties in favor of the Rangers. I knew as soon as they reviewed it, they we're either going to call no penalty or only a 2 minute one

  8. Considering the Rangers PP has struggled, would it be crazy to try putting Rempe out there for one or two PP shifts? I think he might just be able to spice up the PP a little bit. Remember how excited we were when Matt scored the first goal of the playoffs?? Imagine him igniting our PP too! Doubtful this would happen. But considering the PP is being completely shut down by Florida, I think it’s worth while considering an adjustment. The only way our PP could get any worse is if they start letting short handed goals against.

  9. That Goodrow snipe is an exact reason as to why they got to shoot high on Bobrovsky. They’ve been trying to get some squeaky goals rather than shooting for his weakness

  10. Just under 100 hits combined by these fellas. I agree on the Wennberg hit just want some consistency on calls. That pp goal they scored was on a bs penalty on Fox

  11. For the Rempe haters. Kids a 21 year old rookie laying people out. Hes a rare breed. If hes the one laying that kulilov hit…immediate suspension its not even a question. LGR!

  12. That was a pure head shot from wennberg the only reason it wasn’t a pure head shot is because he stuck his forearm up at the last second because he saw him coming. That was a dog shit call. That was a major and a one game suspension

  13. they bounced back, but not enough for my liking. i thought it should have been 5 for interference, but what made me more concerned is that the Rangers let Kulikov get away with it. Rempe is undroppable right now, especially if we are adding Chytil and possibly Wheeler available they give you more than what you lose by keeping REmpe on the 4th line. The one thing you didn't address though is why Kakko was scratched. He was scratched last playoffs too for a game or two…i'm not aware of any injury concerns with him. but if he is getting scratched during the time we need him most and a time where he should be scrambling to get that RW1 spot only to get beat out by Chytil who's still getting his game legs back is worrying to me.

    but more importantly, the Rangers have to hit back harder than they do. when Lomburg trucks Mika, someone else needs to blow up a Panther in the corners. That the Rangers biggest weakness: they aren't mean enough.

  14. You want to see consistency with those type of hits ? There is consistency: they don’t call them. You show a few highlights from the game showing the series tied at one game each. If this is an example of INSANE to you, you need help. You show absolutely no hockey insight in your post. If this is the plan you have for your Oilers video, please scrap it.

  15. This is going to be an ugly series, I love the Rangers, but I don't know how they beat this team three more times unless Igor gets a shut out or two

  16. *oilers wins game 7 against vancouver
    eck: would rather cover a ohl team
    *oilers wins in double ot
    eck: covers the whole 80mins+ in 15s
    *oilers involved in any controversial call
    eck: extensive videos covering every single one

  17. That hit should not have been even a minor penalty. Principal point of contact is through the body. Wennberg lost the puck and was in awkward position, but it's really his fault. In my books this is a classic "keep your head up boy" hit. And believe me, I really hate dirty hits but this isn't one.

  18. Wow! This was a great game, 2 titans dueling it out. Wennberg call I think was correct…I mean it was barely an interference as he was last man to touch the puck but they had to call something due to the hight hit. I thought the reffing was much better this game actually and this series so far than the BS reffing of the 1st two rounds….Oh, and the announcers missed that the Cats' shot that rang off the post (I forgot who) actually hit the shaft of Shesty's stick first before ringing the crossbar…he wasn't called on too much but man did he make some sick saves to keep NY in it…Brobovsky was good too, in fact so good I thought he probably should have stopped Goody's 30 foot unscreened snipe but it was a perfect shot. Man what a game!!!!

  19. What a coincidence that my favorite Star Wars lore YouTuber is also a Ranger fan. Love these videos man. LET’S GO RANGERS!!!

  20. Ok if the wennberg hit is a penalty then why wasn’t the macavoy hit on Reinhart? Identical situations and the wennberg hit is a penalty, clean hit.

  21. And if Trouba did it, it would be no penalty at all. "He was leaning forward."

  22. Play Rempe for sure. He gives the Rangers a fighting spirit, and is the kind of player that can draw the ire of the Panthers.

  23. Out of the play…. He just had possession of the puck. Not surprising Rags fans are biased as hell.

  24. I was greatly looking forward to this series and while its well played hockey it's not the most exciting from a tv spector standpoint thus far.

  25. I never agree with announcers who make blanket statements. Im sure they say what they say for recognition ratings and viewership. Lgr

  26. Panthers have 2 legit goals, 1 "own goal" and an empty netter in 2 games, despite the fact the Rangers played like horse shit in the 1st game they are keeping the high danger chances for Florida on the low side. Igor has been his usual great self, but let's not downplay Bob's play either — if that's Anderssen, instead of 2 total goals, Rangers would probably have 5-6.

  27. you made a mistake… the refs scored on the powerplay after a barkov flop***

  28. As an honest panthers fan: this series is still pretty even. I’ve seen horrid takes by both fan bases after losing a game each that the series is over for both teams.

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