@Canucks de Vancouver

Peut-être transmettre KK

Il ne fait pas de PK, prend beaucoup de pénalités et n’est pas bon dans beaucoup de domaines. Il est probablement préférable de l’éviter et de laisser Suter conserver le rôle 3C.



  1. touchable

    I’ll take Suter at 1.6M any day over KK at 4.8M.

    And it’s not even close. Hell, I might even take Suter if they were paid thd same.

  2. Chaotic_Stasis

    It should be noted: Suter and KK wouldn’t be playing nearly the same role. Suter’s role and impact on the 1st line has really been under appreciated since the season ended.

    (Not to endorse going after KK at all, i hope they stay away.)

  3. The biggest reason why I think there’s potential for a KK trade is that it’s really low risk, with buyout costing only 850k for 5 years, 425k for 3 years, if bought out in the summer of 2026. That is less than 1% of the cap.

    Last season he played good, and produced better than Lindholm and JEE did at that age. Of course, we should know best that development is not linear and there will be ups and downs for players. For the past couple years we have always talked about how we should be the ones buying low and not selling low. I feel like this is a really solid buy low candidate.

    This season, he had a dip in shooting percentage, last season he looked like he had a break out year. If he produces like he did this season, he is at best 1 to 2m overpaid. If he regains form and produces at 40 to 50 points, his contract is fine and any more it’s a steal. There is CRAZY upside and very very very little downside.

    Also, I don’t see why we can’t have both suter and KK?

  4. GoldenChest2000

    To his credit, the microstats paint him as a well above average playmaker with decent on-puck skills (entry/exit stats). Problem is, there just isn’t that much else going for him. He isn’t a finisher, he isn’t a shooter, he doesn’t PK, and he’s rotten on the PP.

    For a supposedly two-way center, his defensive play lacks consistency and his ability to generate points is less than stellar.

  5. parazaf

    Nah, not maybe, just straight up ignore him. I didn’t like what he did to Petey (yes I am that guy). I hate his face too. If they do take him, the boys would need to give him a good, errr, welcome to the team. But I hope not 🤞🏻.

  6. Iron_Seguin

    The fact that there were so many people in here defending the idea of a KK acquisition was just baffling. He’s being paid 4.85m for the next 6 years and in 25-26 he gets a modified No trade clause.

    One of the shitty arguments was “it’s buyout friendly” which is great, but you know what else is buyout friendly? Not acquiring an anchor of a contract. For a team that needs cap space to fill a fair bit of positions, why in the fuck would taking on almost 5m of dead cap be a good idea?

  7. Substantial_Base_557

    He’s got a cool name tho…

  8. eexxiitt

    1 bad contract for another (mik) is the only reason why I think this could happen. The hope would be that a different coach/system would help KK reach his “potential.”

  9. dohaveabutthole

    that lady at the draft who was just aghast when the Habs picked him nailed it, didn’t need the graph

  10. NerdPunch

    This would be making a big pro-scouting bet, and you’re projecting him to be a bonafide middle-6 centre going forward.

    I’d pass unless it was like Mikheyev + Poolman.

  11. Bloomy999

    Habs fan here. This is a self own by the Canes. They paid him $6M to get him from Montreal and gave up draft picks. They did this because Montreal offer heated Aho and the owner thought this was revenge. What a putz. (The owner)

  12. Voltage604

    Everyone in here acting like they a pro scout now.

    Not advocating for or against him but how many times have we seen players do complete 180 with a different coach/team.

    If we get him it will be because management sees something we don’t

  13. Zestyclose-Way-7768

    There’s a reason they’re looking to trade him, and it’s one of those reasons where it’s essentially because he is mid and his cap hit is killing them right now. If Carolina didn’t retain like 75% and Mikheyev’s unretained contract isn’t going back the other way at the same time, this is otherwise a huge loss for us no matter what.

    I’d much rather see the Canucks try to make a move for Drury. He’s just coming off his ELC and seems undervalued.

  14. Originally a habs fan but I moved to Van and added the Canucks to my teams.
    Hes basically Alexandre Daigle, you’ll see flashes of brilliance and maybe max out at 18-26 goals one season but he’s not going to be what you thought, which is totally fine except for the contract.

  15. BrettTheHipmanHart

    My Dad’s a Habs fan and he hated KK so I’ll pass too.

  16. DisplacedNovaScotian

    I don’t see how we can put him in a position to succeed. He was getting mainly offensive minutes in Carolina. I don’t see how he gets priority for those minutes over Miller and Pettersson. And I’m not seeing evidence he could play a shut down role. Maybe the idea is he centres a renewed version of the thirst line that’s called on for secondary scoring? That could work. But then we have Suter and Bleuger who can play that role and provide better rounded play. And Aman works well as a depth centre, plus Raty is likely due to move up the depth chart soon. So yeah, I don’t see a fit.

  17. jamsrich66

    This guy is a bust everywhere he goes. I don’t know why this is even a discussion.

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