@Panthers de la Floride

[Jameson Olive] Maurice le coup de coude de Trouba : « Je pense que j’ai assez de pain sur la planche. Je ne vais pas m’occuper de l’arbitrage ou de la sécurité des joueurs ce soir. Je m’en tiendrai au coaching.

[Jameson Olive] Maurice le coup de coude de Trouba : « Je pense que j’ai assez de pain sur la planche. Je ne vais pas m’occuper de l’arbitrage ou de la sécurité des joueurs ce soir. Je m’en tiendrai au coaching.



  1. tampapat54

    PoMo understands refs will always be inconsistent. We got some breaks our way, and some the other way. There’s no conspiracy theory, it’s just plain bad reffing all around

  2. 1mactruk

    Yeah didn’t he get fined 25k this year or last talking shit about the refs, he’s not going to play with that fit pit.

  3. The_Comic_Collector

    Forgive me for forgetting the names and titles of what im about to say but they’re allowed to submit 1 thing they’re upset about before games to the head official? The guy in charge of the refs. If it was me it would be a tape of troubas elbows in the playoffs this year

  4. farqypanthers

    He actually said it perfectly. He got his point across by saying the two things that need attention. Without blame.

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