I looked him up after seeing his name and being curious as to his accent: He’s Cree, and had to learn English and French (which he seems to comprehend fluently but not speak) when he moved away from his tiny community as a tween to play hockey. Shades of Slaf!
Wait until you see those in Trois-Rivières
Good player, saw him a lot in Sherbrooke last years! He had a very good year with a super mediocre Sherbrooke team
I looked him up after seeing his name and being curious as to his accent: He’s Cree, and had to learn English and French (which he seems to comprehend fluently but not speak) when he moved away from his tiny community as a tween to play hockey. Shades of Slaf!
Wait until you see those in Trois-Rivières
Good player, saw him a lot in Sherbrooke last years! He had a very good year with a super mediocre Sherbrooke team