@Hurricanes de la Caroline

Il s’agit d’une diffusion en direct que j’ai réalisée il y a quelques jours avant la sortie du projet Slavin AAV. Je pense que cela illustre vraiment à quel point le fait qu’il prenne 6,5 apporte une valeur immense.

Il s’agit d’une diffusion en direct que j’ai réalisée il y a quelques jours avant la sortie du projet Slavin AAV. Je pense que cela illustre vraiment à quel point le fait qu’il prenne 6,5 apporte une valeur immense.



  1. TheWarningTake


    This is just the segment of the show where it’s just the contract projection and comments in the chat related so Slavin

  2. CatchASvech

    $6.5m for the rest of his career is obviously a steal and I’m glad it’s been giving the plaudits it deserves. With that being said, I also don’t see the 8-year part being a problem even when he’s in his final years. Most elite defenseman tend to fall off a cliff during the latter half of their careers because they rely heavily on their physical attributes and eventually will have those traits regress heavily. Slavin, on the other hand, commands the DZ with his elite hockey IQ and tremendous gap control, thus making his DZ retrievals and entry denial stats elite relative to other d-men. It’s a deal that’s fantastic now and in the future, especially if he acts as a mentor to the younger guys coming up in the system.

  3. WndrnnrNrdfghtr

    I can think of one elite defenseman with high hockey IQ captaining a team to a Stanley Cup at 38 years old.

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