@Wild du Minnesota

Devenir sauvage : Joel Eriksson Moi

Découvrez les coulisses d’une journée dans la vie de Joel Eriksson Ek avec Becoming Wild présenté par Toyota.


  1. "My brother, I guess he was the younger one so he was the one who ended up being the goalie." Hockey families can relate.

  2. I really think pro hockey is the one remaining major pro sport I can still enjoy. The players are all almost totally normal, down-to-earth, and seem to appreciate and enjoy getting paid to play a game. There is no pretension. How many of them still live in their hometowns? How many of them are still in touch with their youth coaches? How many of them spend all summer fishing and golfing with their boyhood friends? It's sooooo refreshing.

    The guys in most other major pro sports are so friggin' full of themselves, have completely let things go to their heads. I just have no interest in watching some boring ego maniac making $15M a season play. Or, learning about his daily life. Who cares?

    Love how most hockey players seem like genuinely good dudes who are so low-key and just happen to be great at hockey. No pretention, no ego. You know these guys would gladly stop on the street and sign an autograph or just say hello.

    I mean it, it's incredibly refreshing in this day when we've elevated NBA players, tech CEOs, E! television "stars" to god-like heights. It's like…nobody has gotten to the guys in the NHL and said, "Look. You're rich now. You're famous now. You MUST act like a total a-hole at all times to everyone you meet and you must project a staggering level of narcissism.

    It doesn't hurt that so many of them are Canadians;) I don't think Canadians know how to be self-centered ego maniacs.

  3. He seems like a really nice kid from a really good family. Awesome to see Brodin show up for a skate at the end.

  4. Болею за Миннесоту!! Очень нравится этот игрок!! Смотрю за его игрой!! Удачи, новых побед в хоккее, здоровья!!!!

  5. I am from sweden and just karlatad. It is a really good place to grow up in. I am supporing färjestad ofcourse for the last 18 and a half years

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