@Red Wings de Détroit

[LGRW Prospects] Seravalli sur Daily Faceoff Live : les directeurs généraux surpris par l’édulcorant pour Walman, certains se demandant pourquoi ils ne le savaient pas et qu’ils l’auraient fait en un clin d’œil

[LGRW Prospects] Seravalli sur Daily Faceoff Live : les directeurs généraux surpris par l’édulcorant pour Walman, certains se demandant pourquoi ils ne le savaient pas et qu’ils l’auraient fait en un clin d’œil



  1. silvio_dante

    Just a massive red flag. Didn’t even bother shopping him around the league. Seravalli and Friedman are both linking them to Gibson too, who has been absolute shit for 6 straight years. None of this makes ANY SENSE.

  2. Fresh-Reaction151

    I mean.. I’m sure the majority of teams would’ve jumped at the chance to get paid a draft pick to take on a decent starting D-man on a good contract.

    You can let us taste what you’re cooking anytime now, Steve.

  3. barchamb13

    Need to see those future considerations notes

  4. Flowsnice

    If they would’ve taken Holl too, then I’d be all for it. Heck if they would’ve taken Fabbri, I would’ve been happy. Walman wasn’t that bad a player or contract that we have to attach a second to the deal to get rid of him and I’m by no
    Means a Walman fan

  5. The_ManWithNoName

    My heads about to pop. I don’t know why we didn’t try to put him through waivers first.

  6. Eillris

    Wonder if this was to control WHO got Walman? Like…. Steve gets to choose to not play against him by putting him in SJ? Too big brained?

  7. CakeEater

    This is why I suspect that there has to be something else in the works. The move on its own simply doesn’t make any sense at all. Waiving Walman would have gotten rid of him just fine without losing a 2nd round pick.

    Something else is cooking, that or Yzerman had a stroke.

  8. Everyone needs to R E L A X

    Get thru the buyout period. Get thru the draft. Then see what happens in Free Agency. See where things stand come training camp.

    If, by then, this was just a BAD DEAL, Stevie should rightfully be called on it. But, if something bigger and better materializes, we’ll be signing his praises. It sucks right now, but time will tell….

  9. antomeie

    I guess there’s always the slim chance that the Future Considerations actually mean something in this case.

  10. QualityCardboard

    I’ve been an yzerman truther since day 1. This trade was a point for me where I just have lost hope. Really hope he proves me wrong but you’d have to do some serious mental gymnastics to come up with a situation where this is a good move

  11. BelwasDeservedBetter

    This just breathes a tiny bit of life into the dying ember of hope that this is one of the rare occasions where future considerations actually turns out to be something.

  12. nickpegg

    My guess is that there is a deal coming back already for the “fc” portion but we needed cap space asap

  13. RafterrMan

    Three way trade incoming for player X where SJS takes on additional cap space in order to fill its “future considerations”

  14. Dmckilla7

    Hopefully future consideration is taking on the buyout of holl or copp or both.

  15. TheAnalogKid18

    What the fuck are we doing here? I’ve been a massive defender of Yzerman throughout this entire process, but his moves over the past two years have been horrible outside of signing Patrick Kane and his first round picks + Augustine (I’m actually fond of Kasper, Danielson, and ASP).

    We keep thinking that he’s just going to galaxy brain the league here, but maybe he really is just making bad moves. This is the exact shit we chased Kenny out the door over, and while Kenny was still doing dumb shit in Edmonton that likely cost them a Cup that with better roster construction they could have easily won, Yzerman was supposed to be different. Who actually built the team in Tampa? Was it more Al Murray?

    The Amateur scouting team seems alright, I’ve had my criticisms of Draper, but overall they’re not busting on 1sts, and might hit a later round pick or two, but this pro scouting team is outright garbage. What the fuck are you thinking making these moves? This isn’t 1999 anymore, everyone is using sophisticated metrics to build teams, so the « tough, smelly defenseman » also has to be good at playing fucking hockey.

    We’re dumping Jake Walman off, WITH A PICK, to be in on Chychrun, who can’t even stay healthy? We trade away a promising RHD prospect for a 2nd that we just gave way, and the player we got back is a nothingburger that may play some games in GR. I like John Gibson, I think he’s a good goalie behind the right defense. We do not have a good defense. We better not be giving up significant asset to get him, pay him $6m a year, when we need money to pay Kane, or go after Guentzel, or Necas, or SOMEONE WHO CAN ACTUALLY FUCKING SCORE GOALS.

    Andrew Copp? Paid to be a decent 2C, is a 3-4C. Compher, paid to be a 2C, is a GOOD 3C, fair. Chiarot, without extremely favorable deployment, he’s a disaster that can’t eat big minutes, almost $5m a year. Justin Holl, 2 more years of him sitting in the press box or making the worst decision you’ve ever seen.

    Glad we got rid of Nielsen, Abby, Helm, and Ericsson! We definitely didn’t just sign modern versions of these terrible contracts!

    Dangle rant over.

  16. redwingsHELLyea

    Yzerman and the sharks know something that’s gonna happen on the draft floor 

  17. One_Handed_Wonder

    Best case scenario is we waive Holl and San Jose picks him up. Other than that I really have no clue.

  18. beardofzetterberg

    My thoughts exactly. We’ll know more in a few days, I’m sure. But given the publicly-available information, this is a hard one to wrap my head around.

  19. Th3_Dark_Knight

    The last year and a half of Stevie’s moves aren’t doing a whole lot to inspire confidence.

    I love the guy and he’s one of my all-time sports heroes but he’s making some really questionable choices.

  20. SwisschaletDipSauce

    I’m all for the Yzerplan but this, this was a fucking mistake.

  21. Ohhellnowhatsupdawg

    There has to be something with Walman’s health that we don’t know about. He missed a lot of games last season for vague reasons. 

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