@Flyers de Philadelphie

Oh mec

J’ai trouvé ça sur IG. Je me demande si son enfant donne d’excellentes citations et interviews ?



  1. Nervous-Local-1034

    Take a flier on him. Why not? It’d be hilarious.

  2. yungtrapfatgag

    This is the time I like to remind everyone bryz was a good goalie

  3. 40Breath

    Well we basically paid for this kids hockey training and equipment his whole life.

  4. Trip4Life

    So I know who I’ll pissed off about if we draft him

  5. Blinsin

    If they draft him, there is a small chance they can have him on an ELC while still paying his father.

  6. doc-mantistobogan

    It’s only draft. Why you heff to be mad?

  7. luckytaurus

    Is only kid, why you heff to be mad?

  8. DarkSide830

    We have to draft this kid. I hope he has 10% of his dad’s wit.

  9. schmeebus

    They could both be on the payroll at the same time

  10. Crinklemaus

    I got to referee his games when he was 10u, 12u and 14u, and you could tell he was going to grow into a draft prospect.

  11. toiletjocky

    If we can we trade Michkov to get a higher pick to draft him…I say take it.

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