@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Alexandre Texier échangé à STL

Alexandre Texier échangé au STL



  1. EverlastingEvening

    Okay. We can stop now. Fuck, this hurts a lot.

  2. LeocantoKosta_

    The player everyone wanted to work out but didn’t

  3. Tito07800

    I bet he’ll have a great year there, players like this we get rid of always seem to

  4. IgnoreTheRumors

    Great deal for STL. Love the kid, hate to see him go, but I don’t think he was ever going to get the opportunity to reach his potential here. Hopefully he gets a real chance with the Blues. Good luck Tex!

  5. bobbyg2135

    I suspect this will be used in a package with someone else. I actually think everyone needs to realize that no one is safe and while we like these guys, they haven’t been getting the job done….

  6. Reasonable return. Wish him well in St Louis. It was clear he needed a change of scenery. With Don’s comments, the writing was on the wall.

  7. Loved Texier but very glad we made this move to clear some roster space. Hope he works out there.

  8. adam3vergreen

    Hey look my “would hate to lose player” was traded 😭

  9. Geez on social media you’d think we just traded Connor McDavid

  10. BooneJennersBeard

    Awww man, totally understandable move, but I’ll miss Tex. Dude did nothing but hustle his ass off last year.

    Firepoker forever.

  11. Nooo… My signed cards will be sad to look at now…

  12. photonnymous

    Best of luck to Tex!

    This is probably going to be a busy off-season of surprises for us. I’m just a bit tired of « yeah he’ll do better there » every time someone leaves our team.

  13. mr_positron

    Texier is like the poster child for CBJ fans overvaluing their players.

  14. Ralphcox69

    I just know this kid is going to pop off somewhere else. I’m bummed about this one, but I get it.

  15. lnvalidSportsOpinion

    Tex 2024 all start game lock. At least that feels like our luck.
    Good luck to him. Glad he was able to make it back to the leauge, and glad he wasn’t done dirty because of personal issues.

  16. Im not mad at it. He just wasn’t putting up the production he was expected to. If we want to go from being a bad team to a good team, we’re probably not going to have a decent amount of the players that were contributing to the bad team.

  17. Realjoocebox

    Damn why is it we always trade away the fan favorites lmao

  18. JAT_Cbus1080

    Wonder if this means they’ll pick up somebody depth in FA or if it means somebody like Malatesta makes the roster next year. I’m hoping for option 2

  19. Articmnokey

    Anyone know how to remove the heat pressed numbers from a jersey? 🙁

  20. ChristyLovesGuitars

    Disappointed, but hope he lives up to his ability! Feels like the first move of several.

  21. Captain49

    Aw man, I’m gonna miss him and his friendship with Vronk. 🙁

    I’ll never forget his sick-ass firepoker shootout move. Best of luck in St. Louis, Tex!

  22. I think the rhetoric I’m seeing here and other places boiling down to, « Why do our fans overvalue our players? » is super fucking dumb.

    People get attached to their fan favorites. We overvalue them because there’s more than just contracts, point totals and TOI applied to these guys that wear our sweaters.

    We’re not pro scouts who should know exactly when to cut bait and what picks/prospects our players might be worth. The entitlement is palpably stupid.

  23. LogieD223

    Love Texier for the effort he always put in but man the results were just not there. 🙁

  24. I get it, but I’m sad. I was really pulling for him to work out.

    Hopefully DW finds a taker for Danforth next.

  25. WytopitlockWinds

    Who’s Voronkov going to throw balls of tape at in the locker rooms now?

  26. MotherImprovement365

    I would have wanted to keep him, but you wont get as much trading Danforth, Nylander, or Meyer, so best of luck Tex.

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