@Oilers d'Edmonton

Le meilleur de la NHL Mic’d Up – Finale de la Coupe Stanley 2024

Écoutez le meilleur des micros sans fil d’une série de championnats épique et divertissante de sept matchs entre les Oilers d’Edmonton et les Panthers de la Floride. Pour les dernières actions de hockey, abonnez-vous à notre chaîne en cliquant sur le gros bouton rouge brillant ABONNEZ-VOUS. Regardez le hockey en direct où que vous soyez. : https://www.nhl.com/tv Dernières nouvelles, scores, statistiques, analyses et faits saillants en temps réel : https://www.nhl.com Vous vous sentez social ? Twitter : http://twitter.com/nhl Facebook : http://facebook.com/nhl Instagram : http://instagram.com/nhl


  1. This was beautiful to watch. My heart is aching for more hockey, wake me up when September ends!

  2. Макдэвид выкинет свои дырявые носки,а Эдмонтон выкинет Кори Перри и тогда может быть возьмёт Кубок!

  3. i love reinhart so much he is so commited he cant afford to smile before it’s done, focus focus focus ❤
    That Carter tip in that game 7 was so crazy you didnt even put* the replay 😅

  4. Yep just cried again

    Panthers gave my daughter and I something special each game, something to bond over forever. Thank you boys 🏆

  5. I was at Game 7 to support the Oilers. This loss has been on my mind since the final horn and I gotta say, it stings a lot. I really believed there was no chance for the Panthers to shake off 3 straight losses. But the better team won game 7, and there's no way around that truth. I'm still unbelievably proud of the team for making it so far, but man do I wish they could've finished the job. Let's get that cup next year fellas

  6. I obviously know what happened in game 7. I was actually working at all the home games and got to watch. Im still on the edge of my seat watching the highlights. What an incredible series

  7. Amazing playoffs even better finals…Can't help but laugh at Knob a little, each speech he gave after each win was exactly the same
    "Enjoy the moment, have fun, lets do it again in 3 days" lol

  8. Im a 40 yo guy and I havent watched NHL for a freaking long time. Until I saw the Cats demolished the Bruins last year. They just keep getting better!

  9. What a great edit, adding even more depth to the series. Great energy from Hyman and Maurice throughout the series!

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