@Devils du New Jersey

Les Devils du New Jersey échangent Akira Schmid et Alexander Holtz aux Golden Knights de Vegas contre QUOI ?!?

Les Devils du New Jersey ont échangé le gardien Akira Schmid et l’attaquant Alexander Holtz aux Golden Knights de Vegas en échange de l’attaquant Paul Cotter et d’un choix de 3e ronde en 2025. Alex Holtz a enfin été libéré. Je suis stupéfait. COMPLÈTEMENT ÉTONNÉ ! Il y a tellement de choses à dire, je ne sais même pas par où commencer… J’en discute et bien plus encore dans cette vidéo. Faites-moi part de vos réflexions dans les commentaires. Voir nos autres vidéos pour Devils Coverage! Abonnez-vous pour plus de contenu Devils à venir ! : https://www.youtube.com/@runninwiththedevils?sub_confirmation=1 Suivez-nous sur Spotify : https://open.spotify.com/show/7BYmvZzdWiRfnEZzZA8RJd Suivez-nous sur Instagram : https : //www.instagram.com/runninwiththenjdevils/ Suivez-nous sur X : https://www.instagram.co@m/runninwiththenjdevils/ #njdevils #akiraschmid #newjerseydevils #alexanderholtz #schmid #holtz #devilstrade #devils #vegasgoldenknights #goldenknights # paulcotter #cotter #vgk #vgkhockey #nhldraft #nhltrade #nhltrades #tomfitzgerald #nhldraft24 #nhldraft2024 #njdevilspodcast #newjerseydevilspodcast #nhl #hockey #nhlfreeagency


  1. This is the best Devil's podcast on the internet bar none. The comments/opinions are flying.

    This is where I come to discuss my favorite team in sports… The New Jersey Devil's!

  2. The only way I can ever forgive Fitz is if he has Stammer or Brady on their way by Monday

    Not that there is anything left to trade for Brady that wouldn’t give me a heart attack

    If it were up to me, I’d fire him BEFORE Monday

    THIS WILL GO DOWN AS THE BIGGEST FLEECING IN DEVILS HISTORY – I’ve been a fan since the 90s, on god I can’t think of a worse trade that we ever made….

  3. So can Joestalgia come back now? He has been absolutely spot on how bad our GM is, this trade pretty much cements it. His body of work since he took the job has been an epic fail. 2 #1 draft picks and only 1 playoff win, which occurred thanks to the guy he just traded. I thought this was a troll trade at first or maybe i lost track of time and it was April fools day….Cotter might help the 4th line as some have mentioned, but lets be honest, if this was a priority then its time to remove him from his position. Im pretty sure Cotter would be available in a few weeks. One thing you forgot to mention, what GM goes out and tells the entire league what he's "shopping " around for publicly. You completely destroy any negotiation chip you might hold if the other side knows what you want!! This man is the most incompetent executive in pro sports and sadly the morons who own the team will allow him to waste another season. Joestalgia 2024!!😂

  4. Cotter makes $775,000 annually and is signed through the 2025-26 season. I love this move. Holtz was going no where with this team and they lost all confidence in Schmid. Remember you said we have 5 goalies in the pipeline. Im glad.
    Its funny, Im not a huge Fitz fan but I like this move. Fitz and Ruff bashed Holtz on a live mike, so what do you think he was going to get for him. Fitz fucked that up, so….

  5. I'm not a Fitz fan but schmid and holtz would be looking for more money next year. I like the idea to get rid of good players to make room for great players. It's too early to comment on the entire picture of these trades.

  6. We couldnt keep Scmid and Daws..So Scmid gone..Drafted 2 goalies..I wanted Holtz so bad to become something but it just didnt look like it..i think some ppl get blinded by draft position..if ae did a re-draft they would be drafted much closer together

  7. Regarding the trade itself, Schmid will be a solid backup goalie somewhere. May not end up in Vegas. Holtz was overrated by most fans, but he will produce 25-30 goal seasons. There are plenty of lazy players on bad teams that put up numbers, and Holtz will do that. My issue is that both players should have had more value on the trade market, but apparently when you publicly chastise a player it does impact their value😂. Not against trading either of them but the return was shameful.

  8. What the hell? Dev's braintrust was praising its scouts today after pickin Holtz over Askarov. As for Schmid, he had a ton of potential with some stellar performances in the past, especially vs the Rags in the post season. What a downer. Fitz is on a suicide mission.

  9. On one hand i like the move cause holtz sucked on the defensive side and schmid was hit or miss and with daws poultier and they drafted 2 more goalies today(best NA goalie) they needed to move on. The downside is holtz has the scoring ability where as cotter has some offense but is a power forward who had over 200 hits forechecks and uses his body (what we needed). Ill definitely agree though that Devils should've gotten more at the end of the day.

  10. Ace, you keft out the $1 million Vegas secretly placed in Fitz's personal bank account. At least, this crap woul then make sense. What does it say about Devils' scouts when word the Devils are pushing is that Holtz is lazy? Askarov was there for the taking and the Devils admit they whiffed. The inmates are running the asylum at the Rock.

  11. Look at Kyle Palmeris stats before the Devils traded for him. This guy could put up career numbers in NJ. What did Holtz do that this team needed? And what was Schmid gonna do as 3rd or 4th on the depth chart?

  12. Fitz is an idiot. He gave marino, shmid and holtz away for nothing in return. His head needs to be on a platter.

  13. Fitz came out against , Ruff had nothing good to say about him, Green had nothing good to say about him , and no player came out for him publicly . Just reading between the lines.

  14. Agree nice little playoff performance against the Rangers fell against Carolina and did nothing since , just think they have Daws above him on the depth chart .

  15. Islanders fan here,devil's fans just got taken to the cleaners! Schmidt was a solid goalie except last year he struggled. I did like holtz he had a lot of potential. Vegas is smiling 😂

  16. im not disappointed holtz cant skate for shit and his shot is worthless if he never gets open or he gets every shot he takes blocked

  17. Listen I saw that on Instagram. I had enough. I had faith that we could turn the tide. The next year will be screwed. Do you want my take on all this. Mark my word, we won't pick any of the real good free agents this year.

  18. Just because he could be a top 6 winger doesn’t mean he would be an elite top 6. To win cups you can’t just fill holes at the top of your lineup. You need elite player up there. Hopefully fitz has an eye on an elite guy to get in that top 6. Lineup will look solid with the rumored dmen

  19. I get a kick out of people pissing and moaning about moving on from Holtz. It's the same people that were bitching about not moving Zacha earlier, years back. Holtz wasn't going to work out, they put a shit load of work into him and he didn't get it. He got caught out of position constantly, he was slow and clunky, and he was an absolute trainwreck on the defensive end. Shmid was never going to be anything special, he got hot during a stretch last year but since then his play has been manic. How many more chances were they supposed to give Holtz? They had him with Jack, Nico, 3rd line, 4th line, at what point do you look at this objectively instead of emotionally and move on. Cotter is heavy, he's physical, and with the right coaching he can absolutely develop into a contributing role player. The constant crying, bitching, and moaning about Fitz is ridiculous. Let the guy do his job, see what the team does, then pass judgment. Everyone was stroking the guy off the season before last, one off year and people are ready crucify him. It's absurd. Act like a rational hockey fan. Good grief.

  20. Fitz has no patience. I slammed the tofoli trade for Sharangovich when everyone else loved it. He traded a cost controlled excellent short handed goal scorer for a useless Toffoli. Now he’s thriving in Calgary. So many players that we invested time and money into, he has thrown away and they thrive elsewhere. This is a make or break season for Fitz. I do like Paul Catton the player though, always have.

  21. I felt you couldve used at least Holtz as part of a package for a top 6 winger or top 4 dman. I dont blame you one bit for this trade, if the Sens did something like this I'd be livid

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