@Golden Knights de Vegas

Maintenant je sais ce que vous avez ressenti l’année dernière

Maintenant je sais ce que vous avez ressenti l’année dernière



  1. RoombaArmy

    Still have to financially recover from last year. I was cheering for you guys this year, sad Bob was the only bad thing of last year’s finals for me. And fuck the oilers.

  2. robthedealer

    Just wait a bit for the more common items like locker room shirts and caps if you want to save some cash. Those will definitely be in the discount bin soon enough, as well as the stupid crystal Stanley Cup with melted ice in it that I should have never paid full price for but what the hell do I know I’m not bitter at all that it just sits in a shelf collecting dust next to all the other crap that I bought but damn does it feel good that Eichel still has a Cup before McDavid.

    Oh, shit. I think I might have had a stroke. What was I saying?

  3. UnhealthyCheesecake

    It’s the best hundreds of dollars you’ll ever spend

  4. friskyjude

    Trust me, nothing beats watching the rest of the league seethe over your team as you sip a beer out of your favorite Stanely Cup Champion pint glass.

  5. Knights_When

    Only advice is that most of what fanatics has is complete dog shit crap (duh I know) but don’t get suckered into that shit.

  6. treasonodb

    it’s worth it. after knights lost to the stars i was a bit bummed heading home but when i got home, walked in the house and saw all the 2023 cup memorabilia i thought “welp can’t win every year”. banners fly forever.

  7. Pablo_Pablo_Perks

    As a Vegas fan from Edmonton.. was cheering for you guys all the way. Hell, you guys winning the cup probably made me more happy than us winning the cup! Seeing these clowns sad after game 7 was hilarious!

  8. frickthebreh

    Buy ALL the gear! You never know when the chance will come around again.

    Super happy for Florida fans, this year. You guys had to listen to the hockey world run their mouths and crown the Oilers for about 10 days when Edmonton won 3 straight. I’m sure it had to feel SO gratifying to shut them all up.

    We were pulling for your team hard in Vegas!

  9. Crusade_of_Contempt

    If you can, find a hat or shirt that you like and buy two. One to wear and one to get signed and display. I was lucky last year and did this with a shirt I liked and got signatures from Hill, Stone, Whitecloud, and Martinez.

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